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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9753

36. A. enjoy B. prefer C. understand D. decide

37. A. teachers B. students C. classmates D. kids

38. A. think B. choose C. act D. play

39. A. remember B. look C. say D. find

40. A. uses B. differences C. minds D. mistakes

41. A. most B. least C. more D. less

42. A. friendly B. nicely C. softly D. simply

43. A. allow B. hope C. wish D. ask

44. A. another B. other C. others D. any

45. A. how B. when C. why D. what




46. Your seat number is ▲ .

A. 8, Row 6 B. 6, Row 8 C. 8, Row 1 D. 6, Row 1

47. If you are late for the film, you’d better ▲ .

A. walk around B. call up your friends

C. make much noise D. walk into the theatre quietly

48. What should you do at the cinema?

A. get a phone call B. sell your ticket

C. check your seat number D. talk with your friends freely


One day, Tomas Jefferson, the president of the USA, was crossing a river with a group of travelers. The river was overflowing(淹没) its banks. So it was very dangerous to cross it on a horse. Each man was fighting for his life! Then another traveler came and he wanted to cross it, too. But he didn’t have a horse. He watched the group and then asked Jefferson to take him. Jefferson agreed at once. The man climbed on. After they were both safe to the other side of the river, someone asked the man, “Why did you ask the president for help? Did you know him?” The man was shocked because he didn’t know Jefferson was the president. “All I know,” he said, “on some of your faces were written the answer NO, but there was the answer YES on his face.”

49. Who was Tomas Jefferson?

A. He was a businessman. B. He was a teacher.

C. He was a farmer. D. He was the president of the USA.

50. When the group were crossing the river, ▲ .

A. water was flowing out of the river B. it was windy and very cold

C. there were many empty boats in the river D. everyone wrote a word on the face

51. From the passage, we know that ▲ .

A. all the travelers were kind B. Jefferson was helpful

C. nobody knew the president D. the man gave Jefferson some money


Here is an examination notice. Mrs. Dickson gave it to her students last week. Read it and answer the questions.

To the students of Class 3

◆Examinations start on June 22 and end on June 23.

◆The time for each of the subjects is:

English June 22 9:30 A.M.- 10:30 A.M.

Math June 22 11:00 A.M.- 12:00 A.M.

History June 22 2:30 P.M.- 3:30 P.M.

PE June 23 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.

Music June 23 1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.

◆For the PE test, go to the playground. For the music test, go to the Piano Room. All else are written(书面) tests. They will be held in classroom 3.

◆No student can get into the examination room more than 15 minutes after the exam starts.

◆No food or drink during ANY test.

◆No dictionaries during the English exam.

◆Wear sports shoes and clothes for the PE exam.

If you have questions, go to the Teacher s’ Office before the tests.

52. Who could not take the English exam?

A. Nancy. She wore her sports shoes on June 22.

B. Richard. He did not have breakfast before the exam.

C. Wendy. She forgot to take an English dictionary with her.

D. Tony. He went to school at 9:50 on the morning of June 22.

53. Where were the students of Class 3 at 8:30 A.M., June 23?

A. In the playground. B. In their classroom.

C. In the Piano Room. D. At the Teachers’ Office.

54. On the morning of June 23, What should Helen, a student of Class 3 get ready for?

A. Food and drinks. Because there is no food or drinks during any test.

B. Dictionary. Because she isn’t good at English.

C. Sports shoes and clothes. Because there will be a PE exam.

D. Nothing. Because all the exams are ended.

55. Tom still has some questions about the exams, he can ▲ .

A. ask his teacher at any time

B. find his teacher in the playground

C. ask his teacher on June 22 or June 23

D. go to the teachers’ office on June 21 and ask about them



56. Don’t be ▲ (patient) with her. She is only a child.

57. Our government always makes a great ▲ (decide) to make our hometown more beautiful.

58. The students are confident of ▲ (win)the game.

59. We’re proud that China has ▲ (success) sent up “Tiangong I” into the sky.

60. My father likes reading. He often buys ▲ (week) newspapers to read.


61. “Stop ▲ (争论)!It’s no use.” the monitor shouted.

62. Mary enjoys keeping a ▲ (日记) to help me remember those wonderful things.

63. Though Sandy has ▲ (提供)me some advice, I still don’t know how to do it.

64. Jack’s father is ▲ (严格的)with him all the time.

65. To our surprise,Tom has make such great ▲ (进步)after only one week.

六、句子翻译 (共6小题;每小题1.5分,满分9分)

66. 汤姆的新自行车出了点问题。

There ▲ .

67. 我美国的笔友还没有回复我最近发的电子邮件。

My penfriends ▲ .

68. 凯特,谢谢您聆听我的问题,给我提出好建议。

Thank you ▲ and ▲ , Kate.

69. 你最喜欢那种类型的电视节目?

▲ best?

70. 你的红领带和白衬衫很相配。

Your red tie ▲ .

71. 我们都明白按时上交家庭作业,这一点很重要。

We all understand that ▲ .


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语试卷
