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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9267

VIII. 阅读短文并选择方框内的适当形式填空,每空仅填一个词,每个词仅用一次。

66. lasts解析:和前文的begins相并列,“持续”。

67. large解析:“大量的”。

68. over解析:“多年以来”。

69. familly解析:“家人坐在一起”。

70. as解析:“当---的时候”。

71. performance(s) 解析:“节目”

72. tradition解析:“传统”。

73. ends解析:“结束”。

74. closer解析:“更近”。

75. said解析:固定用法“据说”It is said that---。

IV. (最新一年荆州市中考)功能阅读(共10分,每小题2分)


Wu Juping is just and ordinary saleswoman. However, on July 2, 2011, she bravely caught a falling child and has been praised as ①/ðə məʊst ‘bju:təfʊl ‘mʌðə / in China. The child fell from the 10th floor of a building into Wu’s arms.

The child is two years old, who named Niu Niu. ②Niu Niu climed up to the window looking for her grandma. When a neighbor living one floor below saw the little girl falling, he held out a ladder(梯子) to catch her. ③The ladder, however, was too short to reach the girl. At this dangerous moment, Wu, who was just walking near the building, rushed to the spot and caught her successfully before she hit the ground.

The girl fell into coma(昏迷), and Wu was also injured seriously in her left arm. On July 8, Niu Niu, who was able to move her fingers, feet and eyes, ④was out of dangerous condition and Wu’s arm is recovering well now.

76. 根据①处的注音写出英语单词。

77. 1)在②处的划线句子中找出两个可以连读的词。


78. 根据③处的划线句子在下面句子中的每个空白处填入一个适当的词(首字母已给出):

The ladder, however, was s short that it is c reach the girl.

79. 将④处的划线部分译成汉语.

80. 用完整的句子回答问题: What do you think of Wu Juping?


76. the most beautiful mother 解析: “最美丽的妈妈”。

77. 1) climbed up 2) up

78. so, couldn't 解析:固定用法“如此---以致---”

79. (已)脱离危险(状态)/险境 解析:固定用法“脱离危险”out of danger。

80. (Answers vary) 解析:可以有多种答案。例如:She is a brave and helpful mother.

X. 书面表达(共15分)

(最新一年荆州市中考)假如你是Li Ping,请根据下面的表格中提供的信息,给你的新朋友Jack写一封电子邮件,介绍你的业余爱好(flying and collecting kites)。


Hobbies Items Details

Flying kites Beginning time ten years ago

Flying place park

Collecting kites Beginning time five years ago

The amount nearly 50

Sizes big, small

Shapes animals

Storing place my own bedroom, my parents’ bedroom

(Answers vary)



1. W: Nice to meet you.

2. W: What elass are you in?

3. W: May I take your ruder, sir?

M: Yes. Fish with vegetables and rice, please.

4. M: Do you have any books about space?

W: yes, I have one. But Tom took it away yesterday.

5. W: Dad, here's my school report.[

M: Well, it says you’re OK in most subjuts, but not good at science.

W: That's tree. Science is very hard for me.

【答案】1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A

6. W: What do you do, Mr Black?

M: I teach math in No. 2 Middle School.

7. W: We'd llke to have a single mm with a bakh.

M: OK. How long will you stay hew?

8. M: You speak good English. Are you from America?

W: No. I'm from France. But I stayed in Canada fa a few years.

9. W: What do you want to be in the future?

M: When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a doctor. But mw I want to be a scientist. What about you?[

W: I'd like to be a teacher.

10. W: Whet are you doing, Tom?

M: I…….I'm reading a book, Miss Black.

W: Oh, it's a good book. But you'd better mad it after class.

M: I'm sorry, Miss Black.

【答案】6. C 7. B 8. C 9;A 10.B

M: Do you have any plan for Ihis evening?

W: No, not yet.

M: How about going out for dinner tonight?

W: Gmat. Where would you llke to go?

M: Well, what about Siehnan food?

W: I don't feel llke having Siehuan food today.

M: l don't, either. It's too hot .

W: How do you like Italian food?

M: ltmm, I like it a lot.

W: Me, too, Anti I know a good italian restaurant nearby.

M: Good! Let's go.

【答案】11. A 12. B 13. B

M: Hello! May I speak to Joyee, please?

W: Hi, Mr Smith! This is Joyce speaking.

M: You didn't come to school today. What's wrong?

W: Oh, I hurt my leg when I was tiding home yeslerday anti I can't walk now.

M: I'm sorry to hear that. How did it happen?

W: It was rainitlg hard then, but I didn't take my raincoat. I tried to ride home quickly. When I turned left at a corner, I fell down and burt my leg,

M; Did you see a doctor?

W: Yes. My parents took me to a hospital, and luckily it wasn't serious

M: Have a good rest and you'll be well soon.

W: Thank you.

【答案】14. B 15. C 16. A

When I take a walk ar ound the park, I often see many people walking with dogs. Perhaps a dog is one of the most usefu}'anlmals m the world. People keep dogs for different reasons. In the past many people kept dogs mainly for their safety. But now more and more people keep dogs their friends. For a trbild, a dog is Ilia friend when he has no other cbildren to play with. young people, a dog is tbeir friend when they att alone al home. For old people, a dog is their chdd when their own chihlren grow up and leave home. Now you can sec the reasons wily people keep dogs.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语试卷
