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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9239

A. a sign of being slower B. something about manners

C. a sign of being richer D. something with new styles

48. Which type of music below can make people work faster?

A. Light music. B. Rock music. C. Sweet music. D. Soft music.

49. The habit of l istening to music can make a student _________.

A. slow in action B. care about manners C. fresh in mind D. worry about studies

50. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Music in Restaurants B. Good and Bad Music

C. Types of Music D. Music and Behavior


Up to 65% of children don’t get as much sleep as they should do, and this can make them nervous and slower at school, scientists say.

So how long should young people sleep each night? The answer is between eight and ten hours. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, you’ll have less energy the next day.

But the scientists say many children have missed out on 4,500 hours of sleep by the time they are seven years old. They say that children miss sleep because they have TVs and computers in their rooms, and busy parents don’t read to their younger children at night any more. The traditional “bedtime story” helps children to relax and fall asleep peacefully. Children with TVs and computers in their bedrooms were more likely to sleep badly, and to get less than eight hours’ sleep. Even losing one hour’s sleep a night can mean that children do less well at school.

German scientists think that your brain (大脑) keeps working while you are asleep. To show that they were right, they gave two groups of people a problem to work out. One group went to sleep, and the other group stayed awake. The result? The people who slept worked out the answer more quickly. This showed that their brains had been trying to find the answer while the people were asleep. So, make sure you get enough sleep tonight, and you’ll be at your best tonight , and you’ll be at your best tomorrow!

51.What problem do more than a half of students have?

A. They don’t get on well with their studies. B. They don’t have enough sleep at night.

C. They don’t relax themselves at school. D. They don’t follow their school rules

52. If you have less energy the next day, you’ll probably feel___________.

A. sleepy, slow and nervous B. tried, bored and worried

C. afraid, alone and angry D. dull, lazy and crazy

53. According to the third paragraph, what has worst influenced many children’s sleep?

A. Their parents’ noise. B. Bedtime stories.

C. Too much homework D. TV and computers

54. The German scientists’ experiment showed that ___________.

A. our study depends on our sleep B. our sleep helps improve our health

C. our brain works while we sleep D. our brain works faster during sleep

55. This passage in mainly written for ___________.

A. parents B. school teachers C. scientists D. young students

第二节:补全对话 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


A: Now, Mr. Adama, what were you doing between 7:00 and 9:00 pm last night?

B: ___56___

A: Were your wife and children with you?

B: No, they weren’t.

A: ___57___

B: They were watching TV at home.

A: I see. Now, was it raining when you went into the cinema?

B: Yes, I think so.

A: ___58___

B: No. It wasn’t raining hard

A: What about when you left the cinema, was it raining then?

B: ___59___

A: And was your wife waiting for you outside?

B: No, of course not.

A: ___60___ Someone saw you outside the cinema, in the rain, carrying an umbrella, with your wife—and it was 7:30 pm!


第II 卷 (非选择题,共50分)

第三部分:写 (共三节,满分50分)



How to deal with homesickness

When you sleep somewhere else, like at a summer camp or a friend’s house, you know you’re there for a fun time. But for some kids, when they are away from home they feel sad. They start to miss their own beds, their own parents, and all the things at home. It’s called being homesick(想家的). Do you want to feel less homesick? Here’s how:

Spend more time in doing fun things. The more fun things you do, the less time you’ll have to feel homesick. So try to take part in activities and soon you might start to have a good time.

You can make a plan to call your mum or dad. For a night visit, maybe you can call once that night, and again in the morning. In the camp, you might set a regular day and time for a phone call home. You can also send e-mails or short messages to keep in touch (保持联系) with family and friends. If you’re going to be away for a while, you might even write a letter! When you get in touch with someone, make sure to tell them the fun things you’re doing!

Sometimes, just tell someone that you’re feeling homesick. This will help you feel better, Maybe you can tell a friend that you feel homesick. And the two of you can do something fun, such as telling jocks. If you’re at camp, a camp counselor(顾问) would be a good person to talk to. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.

Students of the p assage

Title How to deal with homesickness

Headings Notes

When to feel homesick When you see 61 from home, you might feel homesick.

Find fun Try to take part in a lot of 62 .

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语试卷
