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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9424

A. in B. for C. with D. to


【2012浙江杭州】20. It is really cool to realize your dream great effort.

A. through B. of C. till D. about


【2012浙江丽水】22 People from different parts of the world will go to London ____the Olympic Games this summer .

A. in B. from C. to D. for


【2012浙江丽水】28. Parents enjoy any progress their children have made and will feel __________ them.

A. angry with B. interested in C. proud of D. worried about


【2012浙江衢州】19. Steve Jobs was born_______ 1955 and died last year.

A- on B. to C. at D. in


【2012重庆市】23. My friend, Henry was born June 10, 1997.

A. in B. on C. at D. for


【2012贵州六盘水】30. -How do you learn English words?

__________ making flashcards.

A. To B. By C. For D. With


【2012贵州省毕节市】23. Her mother goes to work ______ bus every morning.

A. by B. at C. on D. in


【2012贵州黔东南州】24. We can't pass the exam, ___________we study hard.

A. because B. and C, unless D. or


【2012贵州黔东南州】31. Yao Ming is famous___________ _playing basketball,

A, to B. as C, for D. between


【2012湖北省荆州市】24. — I’ve shown you all the interesting and important places of our school.

— Thank you for so much time.

A. taking B. spending C. costing D. having


【2012湖南省岳阳】 26. —What do you think of Zhou Libo?

—I think he does well _____ talk shows. Many people like him.

A. in B. on C. at


【2012山东•东营市】30. It’s very convenient us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the station or on the internet.

A. to B. of C. by D. for


【2012山东日照】33. I gave up the piano lessons because I have so much homework to do, but it’s _______ my own wishes.

A. in B. on C. for D. against


【2012四川省乐山市】35. —It’s a top secret.

—Yes, I see. I will keep the secret you and me.

A. with B. among C. between



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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语试卷
