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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语暑假作业   阅读:9388




1.A.It’swarm.        B.It’scold.       C.It’shot.

2.A.By bus.           B.By bike.         C.On foot.

3.A.At 7:30.          B.At 8:00.         C.At 8:30.

4.A.A singer.         B.A doctor.        C.An engineer.

5.A.30 dollars.       B.60 dollars.      C.120 dollars.

6.A.Eggs.             B.Fruit.           C.Salad.

7.A.Alex.             B.Mary.            C.Mary’s sister.

8.A.Go swimming.      B.Climb mountains. C.Make plans.

9.A.In a hotel.       B.In a library.    C.In a restaurant.




10.What does Ted want to be in ten years?    A.A doctor.   B.A teacher.  C.An astronaut.

11.Where will he live?      A.On a space station.   B.On the moon.   C.On other planets.


12.Where does Fred’s cousin live?     A.In Los Angeles.   B.In New York.   C.In Washington.

13.Which movie star did he see in New York?    A.Tom Cruise.  B.Tom Vince.  C.Fred Cruise.

14.What  did they play in Central Park?     A.Basketball.    B.Baseball.     C.Football.


15.How will the speakers go on the trip?    A.By car.   B.By bike.   C.By bus.

16.When will the speakers leave?     A.At 8:45.   B.At 9:00.  C.At 10:00.

17.What will the speakers visit on the way back?     A.A school.B.A hill.   C.A lake.


A. When does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the morning.    B.In the afternoon.       C.In the evening.

16、What does the man usually do at six o’clock?

A.Watching TV.       B.Reading newspapers.     C.Doing running.

17、What does the man usually do on Wednesday evening?

A.Play tennis.       B.Go to a health club.    C.Play team sports.

18、How often does the man play tennis?

A.Twice a week.     B.Three times a week.      C.Five times a week.


22.Who is welcoming the new foreign students?

A.Mr. McDonald.        B.Jane Johnson.       C.Jane McDonald.

23.When do lessons start every morning?       A.At 8:00.    B.At 8:30.     C.At 9:00.

24.What will students do in the afternoons?

A.Leave the school.             B.Have reading classes.      C.Do what they like.

25.How soon will students get the results of the exam?

A.In two days.           B.In three days.      C.In four days.



26.——How far is Yuhua Middle School from here?

——It’s around five minutes’walk.

A.about    B.over      C.more than     D.less than

27.The boy did his homework with the help of his father in the past.But now he can do it alone.

A.for himself     B.on himself     C.by himself      D.with himself

28.The French book must be Li Ying’s.She’s the only on e who’s studying French.

A.belong to Li Ying’s  B.belong to Li Ying  C.belong Li Ying’s  D.belong Li Ying

29.After nine ye ars’hard-work,finally his dream came true.

A.at the end      B.at the moment       C.at once       D.at last

30.Speak slowly,Mr.Wang.I can’t follow you.     A.understand B.hear C.listen D.expect


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