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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语暑假作业   阅读:9769



So music education is much more necessary than people generally realize.

Title: Music education is of great  36

Passage outline Detailed information

Introduction  •Shortsighted opinion; Music is only a way of entertainment, not the top choice for education.

•Truth: Music education is important for all students.

Main Body A way to tell who we are Music not only reflects the social environment it came from but also expresses people’s thinking and  37 .

A way to know the world We can’t discover and respond to our world in just one way.

•Science explains how nature  38 .

•Music explores the emotive meanings of nature.

A way to communicate with each other •We use music to  39  our feelings, discoveries, ideas, imagination and hopes with others.

•Music,  40  from science, tells us what it means to be human.

Conclusion  Music education is necessary.


【答案】36. importance  37. values   38. goes   39. express  40.different

【最新一年湖北随州】B. 阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容完成表格。

Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a global village, but this doesn’t mean that we all behave in the same way.

How should we behave when you meet someone for the first time? An American shakes your hand firmly while looking you straight in the eye. In Thailand, people greet each other by pressing both hands together at the chest.

Many countries have rules about what you should and shouldn’t wear. In Muslim countries, women should wear long blouses and skirts .In Korea, you should take off your shoes when entering a house. Remember to place then neatly together where you came in.

In Spain, many people eat a light breakfast and a late dinner. In Mexico, lunch is the time to relax, and many people prefer not to discuss business as they eat .In Britain, it’s not unusual to have a business meeting over breakfast. xK b1 .C om

Good Manners

Aspect Country Custom

Greeting America Shaking hands firmly

Thailand 65.___________________

Dressing Muslim countries 66.___________________

Korea  Taking off your shoes at the door

Eating Spain 67.___________________

Mexico Relaxing while having

Britain 68.___________________


65. Greeting each other by pressing both hands together at the chest

66. Women wearing long blouses and skirts

67. Eating a light breakfast and a late dinner

68. Not having a business meeting over breakfast.

【最新一年湖南娄底】Ⅱ. 任务型阅读 (共5小题,计10分)


In France, lunch is an important meal of the day. Students can get lunch at school or go home for lunch. Lunch is one to two hours long. Teachers always tell the students to take time to taste the food and enjoy their meals. Students have to pay for the cafeteria lunch. They have to pay for half, and the school pays for the other half.

Usually, lunch has vegetables, salad, meat, fish, eggs, bread, noodles, rice, soup, fruit and ice-cream. The school sends one week’s menu to students’ parents and the menu is different each day. But the lunch must have vegetables, fish and eggs. And each student can have five dishes for lunch. Becky is a French student and she always has lunch at school. She thinks the cafeteria lunch

French School Lunch

Time for having dinner Students spend 6. ______ hours having lunch.

7._______ Students have lunch in cafeteria.

Cost Students have to pay for 8. ______and the school pays for the other half.

Menu Lunch has vegetables, salad, meat, fish, eggs, bread, noodles, rice,soup, 9. _______ and ice-cream.

Opinion Most students in Becky’s school enjoy 10. ______ at school.



6. one to two 7. Place 8. half 9. fruit 10. having lunch


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Best learners What’re the three difficulties in study and how to __________(66) with them.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语暑假作业
