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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语寒假作业   阅读:9455

So please pay more attention to the things you use in life, make sure they are environmental friendly and don’t waste energies. Rome wasn’t built in a day. But I’m sure the environment will become better and better if we start from ourselves from now on.

Passage B

As the rapid increase of people’s requirement, the resource problem has become a major concern of many countries. However, wasting is still a very severe problem among middle school students.

We all know it’s important to save resources. The problem we are facing now is how to do it in our daily life. In my opinion, students should take action from every small thing. For example, when doing a maths problem, we should use both sides of the paper. When we want to throw an empty bottle, we should think carefully whether it is necessary and how it can be reused. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” If these common things gather together, they will have a great effect on our environment protection and life.

All middle school students should save resources and protect the environment from now on. Because saving resources is not only saving the earth, but also saving ourselves.


Hello, everybody! It’s time again for our English Broadcasting Program. Today’s topic is “How to Make Better Use of Our Spare Time”.

Now, we students have some free time. But many students don’t know how to use the time properly. For example, they spend most of time watching TV and playing computer games.

We don’t think it’s good for their studies of health, and they are wasting precious time, even life.

Well, how can we make better use of our spare time? Here are some suggestions. For example, we can join some of the interest groups of take part in some social activities. Don’t you think reading more books is quite helpful to us? Besides, we can do sports. If we have time, we’d better help our parents do some housework. It will help us to understand our parent and life better.

Let’s make good use of our free time and make our life rich and colorful.


Hi! Tony,

I did a survey about vacation activities among my classmates. Here are the results.

Among the fifty students taking part in the survey, half of them stay at home, fifteen of them take part in some volunteer activities and the other 10 students travel either in China or abroad.

As for me, I am going to volunteer my time to help others. First, I am going to visit an old people’s home to cheer them up. I am good at singing and dancing, so I can put this love to good use by spending time with these elders. Helping children with their English at an after-school teaching center is also a good choice for me. English has always been my favorite subject and I am among the best English learners in my class. Not only can I take the chance to do something meaningful, but I can improve my own English by teaching others. I am sure I will have a busy and wonderful winter vacation.

If you have more questions, please ask me.


Liu Jing




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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语寒假作业
