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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9560


第I卷 (选择题   共70分)

一、 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

(    ) 1. ---What would you like for         breakfast, Mr. Green?

---Two pieces of bread and          cup of tea, please.

A. a; a    B. a; the    C. /; a    D. /; the

(   )2. Shanghai is ______the east of China and the country of Japan is __the east of Shanghai.

A. in, on   B. in, to   C. to, in   D.on, in

(    )3. —The shoes don’t fit me. Would you please show me ______?

—Sure. Here you are.

A. the other one      B. the others         C. another pair        D. another one

(    )4. ---Don't skate on the lake!

---Why not? Isn't it thick enough___________?

A. to skate     B. skating on     C. skating     D. to skate on

(    )5.--- Can you tell me ______ it is from here to the Summer Palace?

---Let me see. It's about 15 minutes' ride.

A. how far    B. how soon      C. how much    D. how long

(    )6. ---I have lost the chance to win the game.

--- ¬¬¬¬___________.

A. What a pity  B. Don’t mention it   C. Never mind    D. That’s OK

(    )7. About two years ________ since the earthquake took place in Wenchuan.

A. passed     B.  has passed    C. have passed     D. has been passed

(    ) 8. I wonder ______ you said to him before he came.

A. that  B. if  C. how  D. what

(    )9. --- ______ wonderful music!

--- Yes, it’s written by Jay Chou, a pop singer.

A. What         B. What a        C. How           D. How a

(    )10. --- Have you got a ticket for the show by Xiao Shenyang in Yangzhou?

--- No. The price was too ________.

A. dear B. expensive C. great D. high

(    ) 11.---Don’t forget to hand in your homework again, Mike.   ---         .

A. No, I don’t  B. Don’t worry  C. Sorry, I won’t  D. Never mind

(    ) 12. The boy was heard______ the piano at 8 yesterday evening.

A. was playing           B. play        C. playing        D. played

(    ) 13. The TV needs ________, I will have it         tomorrow.

A. to repair, repairing         B. being repaired, to repair

C. repairing, repaired         D. to be repaired, repair

(    ) 14. They ____ 3000 English words by the end of last term.

A. had learned     B. are learning     C. will learn     D. have learned

(    )15. I don’t know       .

A. where can we buy the tickets       B. how much it costs to fly to Hainan

C. what is he waiting for          D. why was he late for school this morning


“Ring… ring…” the telephone suddenly rang. Sam got up to  16   the call. It was his aunt. “Sam,  17   are you still at home?” she asked surprisingly. Sam 1ooked at the clock. It was already 7:30 a. m. “Oh, my goodness! There’s an important   18   today,” Sam shouted out. He hurried to wash his face and get   19 . When he was going to leave the house, he  20   that he had not put away his books. He ran quickly to the  21  and put them into the bag. He then went to the bus stop to go to school as  22   as he could. When he got into the classroom, his classmates were 23    writing. “Why are you so   24  ?” asked the teacher . “I’m sorry, sir,” Sam answered, afraid of looking   25  . “It was my clock. It   26    to wake me up this morning and ....” “Don't say anything about it,” his teacher   27   him. “Don’t try to come late next time!” Sam said yes and walked to his  28   quickly. But when he tried to do the paper, he could not   29   in a right way. He put his head on the desk and said, “What a   30   day it has been for me!”

(  )16.   A. find              B. give                C. put                 D. answer

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