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[10-15 23:13:07]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9943


第Ⅰ卷 客观题(共60分)


(    ) 1. Our class is planning to hold _______ welcome party for the exchange students. We are now preparing food and drinks for ______ party.

A. the; a    B. a; the   C. a; a   D. the; the

(    ) 2. —I have a lot of new friends in the Reading Club. Do you want to know ______?

—Of course, I’d like to.

A. they   B. their   C. themselves   D. them

(    ) 3. What a good ______ you’ve offered me! Thanks a lot!

A. information  B. news   C. suggestion  D. advice

(    ) 4. —Excuse me, how can I get to the theatre?

—Walk ______ the white tall building, turn right and you’ll see it.

A. past   B. along   C. across   D. through

(    ) 5. —It’s said this kind of fried fish tastes very ______.

—Yes, it sells very ______ now.

A. good; well  B. well; good  C. good; good  D. well; well

(    ) 6. He can find no time to do exercise at all. He ______ goes to play badminton with us.

A. never   B. always   C. seldom  D. often

(    ) 7. —I missed my bus here. I’m sorry to keep you waiting for so long.


A. You’re welcome B. No problem  C. Not at all     D. It doesn’t matter

(    ) 8. —Amy, I would like your uncle Mr. Wu to help me repair the computer.

—Sorry, he ______ help you today. He won’t come back until tomorrow afternoon.

A. shouldn’t  B. may not  C. can’t   D. mustn’t

(    ) 9. Of the four students, Sandy made the ______ mistakes in this exam. So he got the highest mark.

A. fewest   B. least    C. fewer    D. less

(    ) 10. Don’t forget to _______ your school things after you finish your homework.

A. put off    B. put away    C. put down    D. put up

(    ) 11. —When did you leave the bus station?

—______ I saw him get on the bus and sit down.

A. Before   B. After   C. Since   D. Until

(    ) 12. —When did the meeting begin?

—Sh! At four o’clock. It ______ for 15 minutes.

A. was on  C. began   C. has been on  D. has begun

(    ) 13. —My printer doesn’t work now.

—Oh, it works only if it ______ the computer properly.

A. connects to   B. is connected to C. connects D. is connected

(    ) 14. ______ your mum to prepare such cool orange juice for us after playing basketball.

A. It is clever for     B. This is generous for

C. This is kind of     D. It is thoughtful of

(    ) 15. —Sir, I wonder ______. Can you tell me?

—OK. Let me check it for you.

A. when the next train will leave  B. when will the next train leave

C. when would the next train leave  D. when the next train would leave


Many people still remember the little lovely bear which was found in the grass by a farmer thirty-eight days after the big earthquake in Sichuan.

When the farmer first saw him, he was only about two   16   old. It was said that he was only 50 centimetres long and weighed less than 7.5 kilograms. How could such a little bear   17   the earthquake without his mother’s care? But   18   knows about it.

The farmer thought the bear would be   19   soon because of the cold weather and the hunger, so he   20   it to the office of the zoo. Soon the bear was sent to the zoo. When he first came to the zoo, he was very thin and   21   everything. He didn’t come out of the cage. The workers in the zoo   22   his mother could be lost or dead during the earthquake. They hoped the small bear could live   23   in the zoo, so they gave him a wonderful name “Stronger Bear”.

After about two years’   24   by the workers, “Stronger Bear” has become really very   25  . Now he is not a small bear any longer. He is also very   26  , especially when he is riding in the cage with his paws and shaking his head happily. However, in order to   27    himself, sometimes he will shout at the strangers and   28   them not to come near him.

The workers take good care of “Stronger Bear” and   29   with him for about twelve hours every day.   30   the workers can’t have much time to stay with their families and have a good rest, they are happy to see “Stronger Bear” become stronger and stronger day after day.

(    ) 16. A. months   B. days   C. weeks   D. years

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