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[10-15 23:13:07]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9943

(    ) 17. A. prevent  B. survive  C. beat   D. realize

(    ) 18. A. nobody  B. everybody  C. somebody  D. anybody

(    ) 19. A. asleep  B. awake   C. dead   D. lost

(    ) 20. A. brought  B. reported  C. sent   D. sold

(    ) 21. A. touched  B. feared   C. ate   D. liked

(    ) 22. A. thought  B. decided  C. hoped   D. meant

(    ) 23. A. freely   B. healthily  C. patiently  D. quietly

(    ) 24. A. care    B. control   C. education   D. development

(    ) 25. A. heavy   B. big   C. fat   D. strong

(    ) 26. A. lovely  B. angry   C. noisy   D. lucky

(    ) 27. A. enjoy   B. encourage  C. prevent  D. protect

(    ) 28. A. ask   B. order   C. warn   D. help

(    ) 29. A. play     B. stay    C. live   D. sit

(    ) 30. A. If   B. When   C. Though  D. Because



Are you looking for a different kind of camp for the summer of 2011? If you like to visit America’s most interesting roller coasters(过山车), maybe Thrill Coaster Tours is the perfect choice for you. Thrill Coaster Tours in New Jersey, America, is offering three teenager tours for the summer of 2011.

Tour 1: Tour to the West

Spend fourteen days visiting roller coasters in eight different parks, including Six Flags Great America. The tour starts at Knoebels Amusement Park, which is famous for its food, and it’s one of the best wooden roller coasters in the United States. Then, you will visit the roller coaster capital of the world, Cedar Point. I am sure you will have two incredible days there. The tour ends at Kennywood.

Tour 2: Beach Tour

Spend six days in four different parks on the beach. Virginia Beach is the number one beach in the country. Kings Dominion, a park on Virginia Beach, has a new kind of roller coaster. It is higher than 300 feet.

Tour3: North Border Tour

The last part of the 2011 summer takes you to Canada. You will spend eight days visiting the amusement parks and roller coasters there. You can experience many more activities, too, like jet boarding. There’s no better way to end a summer than with this tour.

(    ) 31. It will take you _______ days to finish the three tours for the summer of 2011.

A. six    B. eight   C. fourteen   D. twenty-eight

(    ) 32. The underlined word “incredible” means ________.

A. easy to forget       B. difficult to believe

C. easy to find        D. difficult to enjoy

(    ) 33. From the passage, we know it is the best way to end your summer camp with ________.

A. Tour to the West     B. Beach Tour

C. North Border Tour    D. Tour at Kennywood


When Mary was young, her work was to drive a school bus. Every day, an 8-year-old school boy called Charlie took her bus and made trouble on it.

Charlie’s father was dead and he didn’t live with his mother. So Mary tried her best to show the boy some kindness.

One day, Mary got a small tin heart from a little girl as a gift.

On the last day of school, she found that the tin heart was gone. “Does anyone know what happened to the little heart?” she asked.

One boy said, “Charlie was the first one on the bus. I am sure he took it.”

“Have you seen the tin heart?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Charlie said.

“Check his pockets!” the children said.

Mary put her hand into one pocket and found nothing. Then she reached into the other pocket and she felt it. Charlie looked at Mary for a long time. There were no tears in those big eyes. “Let him keep it,” said a voice in Mary’s heart.

“I must have dropped it before I got here,” she said to the children.

Many years later, Mary was in a supermarket when someone said, “Mary?” She turned to see a middle-aged man.

It was Charlie. Then he pulled something out of his pocket — the little tin heart.

“You were the only one who kept trying to help me,” he explained and hugged Mary.

(    ) 34. Charlie was ________, so Mary showed some kindness to him.

A. a naughty boy      B. an honest boy

C. a good boy          D. a boy without parents’ love

(    ) 35. Mary’s words “I must have dropped it before I got here.” showed that ________.

A. Mary saw the tears in Charlie’s eyes

B. Mary really dropped it on the way to work

C. Mary wanted to forgive the boy’s mistake

D. Mary didn’t find the tin heart in Charlie’s pocket

(    ) 36. Charlie kept the little tin heart in his pocket for many years _________.

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标签: 2011   中考英语模拟题
