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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9844


一、 单项选择 (本题共15分,每题一分)

(  )1、He’s having _______supper while I am playing ______ piano

A .the; the           B.  / ; the            C.a ; the

(     ) 2. I want to know _______.Could you tell me?

----He will come back in two weeks.

A. when will Mr Liu come back    B. how soon will Mr Liu come back

C. when Mr Liu will come back

(    ) 3.Do you know if our teacher ______ here tomorrow?

-----I’m not sure , if he ______here ,I’ll tell you

A. will get---arrives    B. gets---arrives   C. will get --- will arrive

(    ) 4 .The scientists said that they would build a steel tower that is______ than Eiffel Tower next year.

----Really? I can’t wait that day

A.  very taller          B . even taller      C . more taller

(    ) 5. ______ the water is! Let’s protect the environment.

----Yeah,you’re right.

A. What dirty      B.How dirty     C. What a dirty

(    ) 6. How much did you______ the mobile phone ?

-----One thousand yuan

A. pay for        B. spend        C. cost

(    )7. They talked about things and persons ______they remembered in the school

A.who                B. which         C. that

(    ) 8. Did the worker notice ______ in the park ?

----No, he didn’t

A. something strange    B. anything strange   C. strange anything

(    ) 9. You seem to like sweets .

--- _______ . That’sprobably why I’m becoming fatter and fatter

A. So I do           B. So do I          C. So I am

(    )10. When did you ______ the new motor bike ?

----Well, I _______ it for half a month.

A. have; have bought    B. buy; have had    C. buy; have bought

(    ) 11. Do you often hear John _______ in his room ?

----Listen! Now I can hear him ______ in his room.

A. sing; to sing    B. singing; singing    C. sing; singing

(    ) 12.Have you finished your homework yet?There isa little time left.

-----No,not yet. I think it’ll take _______ ten minutes.

A. another       B. other      C. more

(    ) 13.When you are cooking, fire breaks out in the pan, you should ______ .

A. water the pan at once        B. put oil into pan

C. shut down the gas and cover the pan

(    ) 14.Do you know which one is the partner of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?

A.        B.     C.

(    ) 15Which stress of the folloing words is different from the others?

A. parter       B. begin      C. unhappy

答案 1-----5 BCABB   6----10  ACBAB   11----15  CACCA

二、完行填空 (10分)

In the last few years our communication network has been ________ at a very fast pace. The old fixedline telephone has been replaced by mobile phone, short message service, e-mail and instant message.And there are ________ new ways of communicating related to the Internet ,such as blogs ( 博客)。

The scientists find people are very good at choosing the ______ technology for each situation.

Landline phones(固定电话) are an open channel . That means people use them to talk ______ non – private things. That’s because other family members or workmates may hear what you say on the phone .

SMR is used ______ close friends to keep in touch. It’svery efficient and private. The mssages are often related topersonal secrets.

People often use E –mail for online communication with bigger social groups. That includes ordinary friends. ______ it is used for changing pictures, music and other content among a social network .

IM,such as MSN and QQ, is a continuous channel .Users open an instant messaging channel for the day. Then they just _______ it open while they do other activities.

Managing ablog is like creating your own independent club on the Internet for friends to visit. It is often the center of a small group of friends _______ share the same hobbies.

Cost does help decide _______ a new form of communication will be accessible(易受----影响的) to more people . But it is not the only reason .After all, the cost can be offset (抵消) by convenience. Since phone numbers can be stored in a cell phone’s memory, it’s the _______ to take phone out of our pocket and push a button to make a call.


(     )  3. A .good        B .  better        C. best

(     )  4 .A .with        B .   to           C . about

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标签: 2011   中考英语模拟题
