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[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9841



二、单项填空 (共15小题,计15分)


21. – Isn’t the girl who talked to you kindly your sister?

–            . She is my English teacher.

A. Yes, she isn’t    B. No, she is      C. No, she isn’t        D. Yes, she is

22. When and where to go for the holiday __________ yet.

A. are not decided                B. have not been decided

C. is not being decided             D. has not been decided

23. Now day breaks, ________ the birds are singing.

A. because           B. for           C. since              D. as

24. Pandas will __________ if we continue destroying ecosystem (生态系统).

A. die of        B. die away     C. die from        D. die out

25. The young lady _________ we met yesterday is our new maths teacher.

A. what         B. whose        C. whom          D. which

26. Of the two skirts, Lucy chose               one.

A. less expensive              B. the least expensive

C. the less expensive           D. the most expensive

27. ---Turn off the light.

---      ?

---I asked you to turn off the light.

A. Excuse me       B. Sorry        C. Pardon       D. Don’t you

28. All of us feel _________that ________ a little boy can eat _________much food.

A. surprised, such, so           B. surprised, so, much

C. surprised, such, such         D. surprised, so, such

29. She has no paper ______________.

A. to write        B. to write with      C. writing on       D. to write on

30. There is _________ new student in my class. ________ new student is _______ English boy.

A. a, An, an      B. a, The, a         C. a, The, an      D. a, A, the

31.        of teachers in the school is 300,         of them are women teachers.

A. The number, one-third                 B. A number, one-fourth

C. A number, one-second                 D. The number, first-fourth

32. Are you ready? We’ll go out for a picnic _________ three o’clock.

A. in             B. after              C. for               D. since

33. He did ______he could _______ me with my maths.

A. what, to help     B. that, help       C. which, to help      D. what, help

34. —Would you like to have ________ apples?

—No, thank you.

A. more two      B. two more          C. two another        D. two else

35. Alice, we are going to spend our holidays in Canada. But if you ________, we can go to China instead.

A. hope           B. wish             C. prefer             D. agree



Peggy Cardona parked her blue Nissan at a supermarket one day in February 1997. “I’ll come and open the door for you,” she told her four-year-old grandson, Ryan Eshleman, in the back seat.

Before Cardona could even  36  her door, the car moved ahead. “Nana, the car is  37  !” Ryan cried. Cardona jumped into the driver’s seat and reached for the handbrake(手闸), her left leg stepping outside, trying to stop the car. She couldn’t find the brake, and she  38  the car as it moved down the steep slope(陡坡) toward a pond 20 feet away.  39  Ryan cried “Nana!” as the car fell into the pond and the water began pouring in.

“Help!” Cardona cried as the car moved  40  the bank. “My grandson is inside!”

A supermarket clerk, Clint Fountain, 24, jumped down the slope and dived into the cold water.

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