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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语寒假作业   阅读:9261

That night, when I lay in bed, my husband said to me, “You were so rude to Betty. Go and look around on the kitchen floor, and you’ll find some flowers there. Betty brought those for you. She picked them herself  pink, yellow, and your favourite blue.”

When I heard this, I thought deeply: “While meeting with a stranger, I was calm and polite; but with my daughter, I was not patient (耐心的). I felt sad and tears began to fall.

I quietly went to Betty’s bed, “Wake up, my dear,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled, “t found them by the tree. I knew you’d like them, especially the blue.” I said, “I am so sorry that I treated (对待) you that way today.” And she whispered (悄声说), “Mommy, that’s okay  I still love you anyway.” I kissed her and said, “I love you too and I do love the flowers.”

That day Betty gave me a lesson on how to get along with each other in the family. I spent much time on work before and didn’t realize how important family life was. I decided to do better in the future.

31.The writer ___________ to a stranger when she ran into him.

32.When the writer nearly knocked Betty down, she _________ at her.

33.The writer’s ______ told her Betty had picked those flowers for her.

34.The writer felt sad and began to cry because ___________.

35.The writer decided to ___________.

Michelle, a famous lady, has found that more than 25% students are too fat in her country. It is a very serious prom. So she starts a health program to deal with it. The health program is to reduce(减少) the amount (数量)of fat students today and in the future.

The program will get families, schools, newspapers, magazines and TVs to join together and deal with the students’ obesity so that students will be at a healthier weight. The program includes: Food stores should sell healthier foods. Schools should serve healthier meals with less fat and should also offer gym classes.

The lady is trying to fight the students’ obesity all over the country because it can cause illnesses and higher health cost. She wants the students to eat right, exercise more and control (控制) their weight. She also wants the students to understand it is important to have less sweet food, and drink water, milk and fresh juices, but not to choose cokes. At the same time she has also set a good example by planting a vegetable garden. She hopes that the garden will encourage more people to plant one too.

The health program is really helpful to the students today and in the future. As she says, we cannot always build the future for youth, but we can build our youth for the future.


36.In Michelle’s country over _______ of the students are too fat.

A. 75%     B. a quarter   C. a half   D. 15%

37.The word “obesity” in the second paragraph means ________ in Chinese.

A. 厌食症   B. 抑郁症   C. 肥胖症      D. 强迫症

38.What does the lady want the shops to do?

A. To offer gym classes.    B. To plant a vegetable garden.

C. To serve meals with less fat.    D. To sell healthier foods.

39. It’s a good way for fat student to have ______ every day.

A. more vegetables    B. sweet foods   C. many cokes   D. much fat

40.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. The lady introduces healthy drinks.   B. The lady cares about food cost.

C. The lady fights obesity in students.    D. The lady feel worried about the height.

One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧头) fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy(仙女) came out and asked the man what was the matter.

“I have lost my axe.” he said. “It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.” The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, “Is this yours?” “No.” said the man.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语寒假作业
