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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9736



一、 听小对话,选择图片。(5分)

(   ) 1.What is yellow?

(   ) 2.What’s this?

(   ) 3. What day is it tomorrow?

(   ) 4. What’s the boy’s name?

(   ) 5. What’s Wu Peng’s favorite sport?

二、 听长对话,回答问题。(5分)

(   ) 6.What’s that?

A. It’s a desk.    B. It’s a chair.    C. It’s a telephone.

(   ) 7.What color is it?

A. It’s brown.    B. It’s yellow.    C. It’s red.

(   ) 8.What day is it today?

A. Sunday.    B. Wednesday.   C. Friday.

(   ) 9.What’s Ann’s favorite day?

A. Wednesday.    B. Thursday.    C. Saturday.

(   ) 10.What’s Ann’s favorite color?

A. Blue.     B. Green.    C. Brown.


Name ( 11 )

Class ( 12 )

The number of students ( 13 )

Favourite colour White

Favorite sport ( 14 )

Favorite day ( 15 )

(   ) 11.A.Sony    B. Tony     C. Toby

(   ) 12.A.Class One   B. Class Two    C. Class Three

(   ) 13.A. 20        B. 26     C. 36

(   ) 14.A. Football   B. Basketball    C. Table tennis

(   ) 15.A. Wednesday      B. Thursday    C. Friday


一、 词组英汉互译(10分)

1.用中文 ______ Chinese   2.在黑板上 ______ the blackboard

3. of course  _________    4.再说一遍 ______ that again

5.我的生日my ________   6.踢足球  _______  football

7.去游泳  go __________   8. after school  __________

9. this afternoon __________  10.在星期五  ______ Friday


1. [neim] _________  _______       2. [eɡ] _________  _______

3. [bə:d] _________  _______     4. [blæk] _________  _______

5. [bl u:] _________  _______     6. [wɔ:m] _________  _______

7. [ˈmʌndei] _________   _______   8. [ðæt] _________  _______

9. [kəuld] _________  _______      10.[ˈklɑ:sru:m] _________  _______


(   ) 1.---What’s this, Daming?   ---________________ .

A. It’s book.      B. That’s a book.

C. It’s a book.     D. This’s a book.

(   ) 2.What color is the pen?

A. It’s a brown.     B. It’s a yellow pen.

C. It’s red.      D. I’m sorry.

(   ) 3.---Is he a new student here?  ----- Yes,_______________ .

A. it is   B. she is   C. he is   D. this is

(   ) 4.---- How many desks are there in the room?   ---_______ twenty.

A. It’s    B. There is  C. They are  D. There are

(   ) 5. --__________, Xu Bin.   ---Bye, see you tomorrow.

A. Goodbye       B. Good morning

C. Nice to meet you     D. How are you

(   ) 6.---Hello, Lingling! _________________________ ?

---- It’s Tuesday.

A. What’s the weather like    B. What day is it today

C. What’s your favorite sport   D. How old are you

(   ) 7. It is cold _______ Harbin ________ winter.

A. in, on  B. on, on    C. in, in    D. of, on

(   ) 8. ---What’s that?  A pen ?   ---- ________ , a book!

A. Yes   B. No    C. It’s    D. This

(   ) 9. There is  ______ apple on the desk, and _______ apple is red.

A. a , an   B. an , an   C. an , the   D. the , an

(   ) 10. ---- Thank you, Lisa !    ------ ____________________ .

A. OK   B. You’re welcome  C. See you tomorrow D. Goodbye


( I)                                 ( II )

(   ) 1.How do you spell it ?      A. Yes, I can.P-E-N,pen.

(   ) 2.What color are these doors?     B. Red.

(   ) 3.How many green trees are there?    C. No, I’m not.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语寒假作业
