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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9996


第Ⅰ卷  听力部分(15分)

Ⅰ.听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)

1.This is a photo of her family.

2.They are my friends.

3.That is his mother.

4.Rose is my sister.

5.They are his parents.

Ⅱ.听对话, 选择正确答案(5分)

M:Linda, this is my mother.Mom, this is my friend, Linda.

W:Nice to meet you, Linda.

Q:Who is Linda?

6.A.Jim's cousin.    B.Jim's friend.   C.Jim's brother.

M:Hi, Maria.Are these your aunt and uncle in the picture?

W:No, they are my parents.

Q:Who are they in the picture?

7.A.Maria's grandparents.  B.Maria's friends.   C.Maria's father and mother.

M:Kate, is Frank your father?

W:Yes, he is.

Q:What's her father's name?

8.A.Frank.     B.Tim.     C.David.

M:Anna, is this your cousin, Mike?

W:No, it isn't.My cousin is Peter.

Q:Is Peter Anna's cousin?

9.A.Yes, he is.    B.No, she isn't.   C.No, he isn't.

W:Who  is that girl in the picture, Jeff?

M:She is my parents' daughter.

Q:Who is that girl?

10.A.Jeff's uncle.    B.Jeff's sister.   C.Jeff's father.

Ⅲ.听短文, 判断正 (T) 误 (F)(5分)

This is a picture of Mr Green's family.There are four people in the family.They are Mr Green, Mrs Green, Jim and Kate.Look at the picture.We can see Jim is behind Mr Green.Kate is behind Mrs Green.Jim and Kate are students.They go to the same school.Mr and Mrs Green are teachers.They are good teachers.They  go to work by car.

11.Jim is Mrs. Green's son.

12.There are four people in Mr. Green's family.

13.Jim and Kate are not students.

14.Jim and Kate are in the same school.

15.Mr. and Mrs. Green go to work by bus.

第Ⅱ卷  笔试部分(85分)


16.Hello, Nancy.This ______ my friend, Han Yu.

A.are      B.is   C.am      D.be

17.—What's this?

—It's a photo ______ my family.

A.in     B.of   C.at      D.for

18.—Are ______ Kate's ______?

—No, they aren't.

A.this;book   B.that;book C.these;books   D.those;book

19.This is Lei Feng.______ is a kind man.

A.She    B.Her   C.He      D.His

20.—Is h e your ______?

—No,he isn't.

A.sister    B.cousin  C.daughter    D.mother

21.—Is that your father?

—__ ____.It's my uncle.

A.Yes,that is      B.No,that isn't

C.Yes,it is      D.No,it isn't

22.Here ______ some books for you,Tom.

A.be     B.am   C.is      D.are

23.______ fathers both work at school.

A.Sonia and Alice's      B.Sonia's and Alice

C.Sonia's and Alice's     D.Sonia and Alice

24.This is Rose and Linda.______ my ______.

A.She's;friend      B.They're;friend

C.They're;friends      D.She's;friends

25.Thanks ______ the photo ______ your family.

A.of;for    B.of;in   C.for;of    D.for;in


Hello!I'm Emma Brown.Look at this __26__!

The two boys are my __27__,Peter and Bob.Peter is my u ncle's __28__.He is 8.Bob is his last son and he is __29__.Who(谁)is that girl?She is my good __30__,Ivy.Ivy is 12.She and I are in a __31__,No.5 Middle School.Look!__32__ is that?It's Ivy's__33__.It's a nice watch,but Ivy __34__it.If(如果)you have found it,please call her__35__657­4391.

26.A.map    B.photo    C.name list   D.ID card

27.A.sisters   B.parents    C.uncles    D.cousins

28.A.daughter   B.son     C.brother    D.sister

29.A.7    B.9      C.11   D.13

30.A.aunt    B.daughter   C.mother    D.friend

31.A.family   B.school   C.number    D.schoolbag

32.A.Who    B.What    C.How    D.What color

33.A.watch   B.book    C.pencil    D.notebook

34.A.meet    B.lost     C.spell    D.found

35.A.in    B.to      C.at     D.for



阅读托尼(Tonny)的家谱, 选择正确答案。

36.Bob is Martin Brown's ______.

A.son     B.daughter  C.brother     D.siste

37.Mark Green is Jenny's ______.

A.father     B.mother  C.grandfather    D.daughter

38.Bob and Jenny are Tonny's ______.

A.grandparents    B.parents  C.aunt and uncle   D.cousin

39.John is a boy.He is Joe and Tonny's ______.

A.daughter    B.son   C.cousin     D.brother

40.Joe and Tonny are Bob's ______.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语寒假作业
