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[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9632


听力部分 (25分)


(     )1. A.     B.     C.

(     )2. A.   B.     C.

(    )3. A.    B.      C.

(    )4. A.     B.      C.

(    )5. A.     B.     C.


(    )6. A. She is Candy.   B. She is twenty years old. C. She is from Japan.

(    )7. A. She likes a car.   B. She is fine.    C. She has a round face.

(    )8. A. No, he isn’t short.  B. He is tall.    C. Yes, he is.

(    )9. A. They’re white.   B. They’re mine.   C. I like white.

(    )10. A. You’re right.   B. That’s right.   C. OK.


(    )11. A. Lily’s.     B. Billy’s.    C. Billy’s sister’s.

(    )12. A. Yes, she is.       B. No, she doesn’t.   C. Yes, she does.

(    )13. A. Green.    B. Red.     C. White.

(    )14. A. Tall.        B. Big.           C. Small.

(    )15. A. 8875-1687.    B. 8857-1867.    C. 8857-1687.


(    )16. Jack is eleven years old.

(    )17. Jack and I are in Class Two.

(    )18. Jack’s mom is an English teacher.

(    )19. Jack and his mom are my friends.

(    )20. Jack’s mom has big black eyes.


(    )21. Ann is ____.

A. 12      B. 13     C. 10

(    )22. Ann is from ____.

A. the USA.    B. Japan     C. the UK

(    )23. Ann is ____.

A. tall     B. short     C. not tall and not short

(    )24. Her face is ____.

A. round     B. long     C. small

(    )25. The color of her eyes is ____.

A. black     B. blue     C. red

第二部分  笔试部分(95分)

Ⅵ. 单项选择 (15分)

(    )  26. -----What’s this in English?

— It’s  ____ apple. It’s ____ red.

A. an; a       B. a; an         C. an; /             D. a; /

(    )27. 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。

A. him    B. nice    C. will  D. give

(    )28.—What class are you in?

—I’ m in ____, ____.

A. grade seven; class three     B. class Three; grade Seven

C. Class Three; Grade Seven    D. Grade Seven; Class Three

(     ) 29. — Do you know Zhang Hong?

— ____, I don’t know him.

A. Yes        B. Sorry       C. Good    D. Excuse me

(    )30. This is a ruler . Please give ______________.

A. it to her               B. her it

C. it for her            D. it from her

(    )31. Tony, this is Ann. Ann, ____.

A. I am Tony     B. he is Tony     C. it is Tony       D. this is Tony

(    )32. Look ____ Ann and Julia. They are sisters. They look ____, and they look ____ their mom.

A. at; the same; like      B. at; like; the same

C. like; at; the same          D. like; the same; at

(    )33. — Are you Mr. Green?

— ____.

A. Yes, you are             B. Yes, I am

C. No, you aren’t               D. No, he isn’t

(    )34. — What does your sister look like?

— ____.

A. She likes skirts

B. She is from China

C. She is in Class 6

D. She is tall and has big eyes

(    )35. — ____?

— Yes. P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.

A. Is it a pencil                      B. How do you spell it?

C. Can you spell it, please                D. Do you know it

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