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[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9632


(    )56. How old is Zhang Yue?

A. Twelve.      B. Thirteen.         C. Fourteen.          D. Fifteen.

(    )57. What does Zhang Yue have?

A. A car.         B. A toy.    C. A schoolbag.      D. A bike.

(    )58. What’s Alice’s family name?

A. Brown.       B. Miller.       C. Smith.        D. White.

(    )59. What does Alice’s father look like?

A. He is an English teacher.            B. He is tall and has small eyes.

C. He has small eyes and a big nose.     D. He has a round face and a wide mouth.

(    )60. Which one is RIGHT?

A. Zhang Yue can only speak Chinese.    B. Alice and Zhang Yue are in the same class.

C. Peter isn’t a good teacher.            D. Zhang Yue likes red.


Bob is an English boy. His eyes are blue. Li Ming is a tall boy. His eyes are black. They are good friends. Bob’s hair is yellow and Li Ming’s hair is black. Li Ming’s mom is a Chinese teacher. Bob’s mom is an English teacher.她们在同一个学校。Bob’s dad is a doctor(医生). Bob and his dad look different. He looks like his mom. Bob’s family are new in China. Li Ming’s dad and mom help them(他们). They like their English friends.

根据短文内容, 完成下列任务。(10分)


61. Li Ming’s mom and Bob’s mom are _________________.

62. Bob ____________ ____________ his mom.


63. ______________________________


64.Where is Bob from?


65. Are Bob’s family new in China?



A. What color do you like?

B. How are you?

C. My name is Jane.

D. Do you like blue?

E. What are your favorite clothes?

F. I’m from England.

G. Do you know Lily?

A: What’s your name?

B: (66) _______________________ .

A: Where are you from?

B: (67) ____________________________.

A: How old are you?

B: I’m twelve.

A: (68) __________________________________?

B: I like white and green.

A: (69) ___________________________________?

B: Skirts.

A: (70) ______________________________________ ?

B: Yes! She is my good friend.

Ⅹ.词汇 (10分)

A. 根据汉语提示和首字母写单词。(5分)

71. The ___________(信件) is from my friend, Jim.

72. Lin Tao, who is your _____________(最喜欢的) teacher?

73. Who am I ? Can you _____________ (猜 ) ?

74. He comes from China, he is a C__________ boy.

75. Mr. Lee has two big hands and two big f__________.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语寒假作业
