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[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9667



Ⅰ. 听力(20分)


1._______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______


6. A. Yes, it is.   B. No, it isn’t.

C. Yes, she does.

7. A. Nine.    B. Nineteen.    C. Eight.

8. A. Meat.    B. Fish.

C. He doesn’t like fish or meat.

9. A. He is writing to Mike.

B. He is drawing a picture.

C. He is talking with Mike.

10. A. China.    B. Canada.    C. Australia.


11. Steven and Lynn are talking about ________.

A. home     B. school     C. shop

12. Steven goes to school ________.

A. by bike    B. on the school bus

C. on foot

13. Steven has four lessons in the morning and ________ lessons in the afternoon.

A. two     B. three     C. four

14. Steven goes home at ________ in the afternoon.

A. five thirty    B. five o’clock

C. five fifty

15. Steven doesn’t have lots of ________.

A. friends    B. books

C. homework

(Ⅳ)录音中有一篇短文,听两遍后, 判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)

(   )16. Li Kun is Li Ming’s father.

(   )17. Li Kun is a shop clerk.

(   )18. Li Kun gets up at 6: 30 in the morning.

(   )19. Li Kun has dumplings and eggs for breakfast.

(   )20. Li Kun has lunch at 12: 00 at school.

Ⅱ. 单项选择(15分)

1. (2012•济南中考)I want to have ________ English pen pal.

A. a    B. the    C. an    D. /

2. There are many ________ playing on the playground.

A. child      B. children

C. man teachers     D. sheeps

3.(2012•重庆中考)—Bill, what’s your sister’s favourite________?

—She likes volleyball best.

A. food  B. colour  C. sport  D. movie

4. Han Han is a famous writer. ________ new book is very popular.

A. My    B. Your    C. Her     D. His

5.(2011•聊城中考)I have two cats. One is black, and ________ is white.

A. another      B. some

C. other      D. the other

6. —________do you like dogs?

—Because they are very cute.

A. What    B. How    C. Why  D. Who

7. —________, Where is the clothes shop?

—Go down this street and turn left.

A. Excuse me     B. Sorry

C. Hello       D. Hi

8. —What’s the matter ________ you?

—I feel sick.

A. in    B. on    C. with   D. at

9. —________

—I’d like two bottles of water.

A. What would you like?

B. How many bottles of water do you want?

C. Do you like water?

D. Can you help me?

10. —How is the weather today?

—________ is sunny.

A. This   B. That    C. She    D. It

11. —How ________ your sister go to school?

—By bike.

A. does   B. do    C. is   D. are

12. The little boy is ________ because he can’t find his mother.

A. laughing      B. crying

C. dreaming         D. writing

13. The government of Chongqing is building ________ cheap and good houses for the people.

A. thousand       B. thousands

C. thousand of         D. thousands of

14. After supper, they often ________ TV in the living room.

A. see        B. look at

C. read       D. watch

15. Li Ming has ________ hair. He doesn’t like long hair.

A. black long        B. black short

C. long black      D. short black


Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)

Tom King loves sports. He plays  1  every day. Every week he goes to school from Monday to Friday. After school on  2  , he goes running  3  some friends for about half an hour. Then he goes  4  because he always feels hungry after running. Then maybe at 6: 00 in the afternoon, he goes home for  5  .

He likes fruit and vegetables. But he doesn’t  like  6  . He thinks eating too much is not  7   for running.

He runs very fast. He is one of the basketball  8  in his school. He plays in the school team. He likes to  9  every Wednesday afternoon. But his favorite sports aren’t running and playing basketball.  He likes  10  best. On weekends, he always gets up at 11: 00 in the morning.

1. A. the guitar     B. chess

C. sports      D. computer games

2. A. weekends     B. weekdays

C. Saturday      D. Sunday

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语寒假作业
