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[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9667

3. A. with   B. and   C. or    D. so

4. A. shopping     B. fishing

C. playing      D. swimming

5. A. breakfast     B. lunch

C. supper       D. meals

6. A. potato       B. chicken

C. apples       D. bananas

7. A. good  B. hard   C. easy  D. bad

8. A. teachers      B. players

C. member      D. students

9. A. play football    B. play basketball

C. fly kites          D. sing a song

10. A. watching TV     B. sleeping

C. do some cleaning    D. go shopping

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(30分)


There are four seasons in a year in China. Spring comes in February. May, June and July make the summer season. August, September and October are the autumn months. Winter is from November to January.

But near the North Pole(北极)there are only two seasons. They are winter and summer. In winter, nights are long. For more than two months you can’t see the sun, even at noon. In summer the days are long. For more than two months the sun never goes down and there is no night.

The people living near the North Pole are called Inuit(因纽特人). In summer they live in tents(帐篷) and catch deer(鹿) for food. In winter they live in small round snow houses. They travel around by using dogs to carry their things. They make holes in the ice and catch fish and seals(海豹).

1. Spring is from February to ________.

A. May         B. March

C. April       D. December

2. The two seasons near the North Pole are________.

A. spring and autumn

B. summer and winter

C. rainy season and dry season

D. spring and winter

3. You can’t see the sun for ________ in North Pole in a year.

A. a season        B. half a year

C. more than two months   D. half a year

4. The Inuit lives in ________ in winter.

A. tents       B. snow houses

C. big houses      D. holes

5. The people in the North Pole eat much ________.

A. vegetables      B. meat

C. milk        D. bread


Today is Sunday. It’s eight in the morning. The Blacks are at home. Mr. Black is sitting in a chair. He is reading a newspaper. Mrs. Black is sitting at the desk. She is writing a letter to her sister in the U. K. . Helen, her daughter, is standing near the window. She is listening to the music. Lisa is only six. She is playing with a toy. She is sitting on the bed. Oh. What’s it under the bed? It’s a white dog.

6. —How many people are there at home?


A. Five   B. Four    C. Three    D. Two

7. ________ are sitting.

A. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black

B. Mr. Black, Mrs. Black and Lisa

C. Mr. Black, Mrs. Black, Lisa and Helen

D. Mr. Black, Mrs. Black and Helen

8. ________ is sitting on the bed.

A. Mr. Black      B. Mrs. Black

C. Helen’s sister     D. Lisa’s sister

9. —What is Helen doing?


A. She is listening to the music.

B. She is sitting in a chair.

C. She is reading a newspaper.

D. She is playing with a toy.

10. A ________ is under the bed.

A. toy    B. cat    C. dog    D. radio


Do you know Wu Bin? He is from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He is a bus driver. He works for a passenger transportation company in Hangzhou. On May 29, he drives a bus from Wuxi to Hangzhou. But when he is driving, there is something flying into the bus. It breaks the window of the bus and hurts Wu Bin. It hurts him very badly. He can’t drive any more. But he wants to make everybody on the bus safe. So he says nothing and stops the bus slowly near the side of the road. Then he tells the passengers not to be worried and get off the bus in line. At last, he makes all of the passengers safe, but he loses his life. Everyone thinks he is a hero. We won’t forget him. He is the most beautiful driver in our hearts.


(   )11. Wu Bin is a bus driver in Wuxi.

(   )12. Wu Bin comes from Hangzhou.

(   )13. Something breaks the window of the bus but doesn’t hurt Wu Bin.

(   )14. Wu Bin is hurt, but he wants to make everybody on the bus safe.

(   )15. Everyone thinks Wu Bin is the most beautiful driver.


Ⅴ. 任务型阅读(10分)

It’s August 13th. It’s Mary’s birthday. (A) She and her mother go to a big city by bus. They see many clothes stores and hotels there. They come to a clothes store first. (B) Mary’s mother buys a red skirt for Mary. Then they go to a food store. (C) There they buy some chicken hamburgers. Then they go to Green Hotel. They go to see Mary’s uncle. (D)他在这个旅馆工作。Green Hotel is a big hotel with 120 rooms. Each room is very nice. Mary has a good time in the hotel.

1. 写出画线部分(A)处的同义句。

She and her mother ________ ________ bus to a big city.

2. 将画线部分(B)处译为汉语。


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