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[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9632

(    )36.---____ name is Ann.  What’s ____ name?

A. She, you       B. Her, your     C. Her, you     D. She, your

(    )37.---_____ is your mother?

---She is 39.

A. How old       B. What         C. Where       D. How

(    )38---How do you do?


A. How old are you?          B. Fine, thanks.

C. How are you?             D. How do you do?

(    )39.I _______ long legs , but my friend ______ short legs.

A. have , has                   B. has, have

C. have , have                  D. has ,has

(    )40.---What ______ those in English?

---They’re ______.

A. are , knifes                B. are, knives

C. is , knives                 D. is, knife


Ⅶ. 完形填空 (10分)

Good afternoon! My 41  is Ellen. I’m fifteen years old now. I’m   42  Qingdao. I’m in Shanghai now. I’m a student. I’m in No. 4 Junior High School. I’m in Class Four, Grade Eight. I can   43  the word (单词) “eraser”-E-R-A-S-E-R. I have a sister.  44  name is Eileen. She is in  45   Junior High School, too. But  46  are not in the same class.  47  is she? She is fine. Miss Li and Miss Ma are  48  . Miss Li is an English teacher. She is tall. And Miss Ma is  49  Chinese teacher. She has long black hair. They are in my school. We are  50  friends.

(    )41. A. class         B. name       C. number         D. year

(    )42. A. to            B. in          C. from           D. of

(    )43. A. spell          B. meet        C. find           D. think

(    )44. A. Your          B. My         C. His             D. Her

(    )45. A. No. 2         B. No. 3        C. No. 4        D. No. 5

(    )46. A. it            B. we          C. they           D. these

(    )47. A. Where        B. How         C. What           D. Who

(    )48. A. teachers     B. classmates    C. sisters                  D. students

(    )49. A. a           B. an           C. the             D. /

(    )50. A. fine         B. OK          C. good          D. Nice

Ⅷ. 阅读理解 (30分)


Good morning! I am Lucy! Please look at the girl in the photo. She is my new friend Zhang Di. Look! She is in white and she has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. She is nice. She is a new student in our class — Class 5, Grade 7. She is from Fuzhou. We are thirteen years old. Her telephone number is 3552-7611. Zhang Di’s English is good and her favorite actor is Madonna. Madonna acts (表演) in many (许多) movies (电影). Zhang Di and her sister like the movies very much.

根据短文内容判断正误。(正确的填 “T”, 错误的填 “F”)(10分)

(    )51. Zhang Di’s eyes are big and her nose is small.

(    )52. Zhang Di and Lucy are classmates. They are fourteen years old.

(    )53. Zhang Di comes from Guangzhou.

(    )54. We can know Madonna’s telephone number.

(    )55. Madonna is Zhang Di’s favorite movie actor.


I’m Zhang Yue. I come from Beijing. I’m twelve years old and I’m a student. I have a bike. I go to school by (乘) bike. I can speak Chinese and English. This is my friend. Her name is Alice Brown. She is twelve years old, too. She likes red. We are in the same class. The man in the photo is Alice’s father. He is my English teacher. His name is Peter Brown. He has small eyes and a big nose. He likes black and white. He is a good teacher. Our classmates and I all (全都) like him.

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