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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9736

(   ) 4.Can you spell it?       D. It’s C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R.

(   ) 5.Are you number five?      E. OK.

(   ) 6.Write it in your book, please.     F. Yes, it is.

(   ) 7. Let’s play table tennis tomorrow.    G. There’s only one.

(   ) 8.What’s your favorite color?     H. They are white.

(   ) 9.Can you help me, please?     I. Good idea!

(   ) 10. Is it Thursday today?      J. Yes, of course.


This boy is Jim. He is thirteen. He’s 1  English boy. This is his school. His school 2  number is 832 147. He’s  3Class Two. His English teacher is Miss White. 4  a good teacher. Li Rui is Jim’s good 5  at school. He is a Chinese boy. He is in Class Two,  6. look! This is Jim’s  7. It’s blue. There  8three pencils and five books in it.9  is Jim’s favorite day. He can play  10with his friends.

(   ) 1. A. a    B. an    C. the    D. /

(   ) 2.A. room   B. car    C. telephone   D.class

(   ) 3.A. at    B. in    C. on    D.Of

(   ) 4.A.Her       B. She       C.He    D.She’s

(   ) 5.A. friend   B. student   C. girlfriend   D. father

(   ) 6.A. to    B. two    C. or    D. too

(   ) 7.A. pen    B. pencil-case   C. book    D. schoolbag

(   ) 8.A. am    B. is     C. are    D. be

(   ) 9.A. Monday   B. Thursday   C. Sunday   D. Friday

(   ) 10.A. a football  B. football   C. the football  D. footballs


( A )

My name is Jack. I’m a student in Beijing. My favorite season is spring. The weather in spring is very warm and there are a lot of green trees and some flowers. My favorite color is red, so I like red flowers. I like playing football. I have two friends, Mike and Bob. We play football on Sunday. Today is very cold. We can’t play football, but we can sing songs at home.


(   )1. It’s warm in Beijing in spring.

(   )2. Jack likes spring.

(   )3. Jack likes red flowers.

(   )4. Mike and Bob are in Beijing.

(   )5. Today Jack and his friends can play football.

( B )

Tom: How are you, Mr. Green?

Green: Fine, thanks. And you?

Tom: Very well, thank you.

Green: Do you know Mr. Lee?

Tom: Sorry, I don’t know him.

Green: This is Mr. Lee. He is a teacher. This is Tom.

Lee: How do you do, Tom?

Tom: How do you do, Mr. Lee? Are you from America?

Lee: No, I’m from England. Are you a teacher, too?

Tom: No, I’m a student here. I’m in Grade Two.

Lee: But you speak Chinese very well. Welcome to China!

Tom: Thank you. Oh, it’s time for class. See you later!

Lee: See you!

(   ) 6. Mr. Green is in ______ now.

A. England    B. American   C. Japan   D. China

(   ) 7. Mr. Lee is a ______.

A. policeman (警察)  B. student   C. teacher  D. worker

(   ) 8. Tom is ______.

A. in Grade Two  B. in Class One  C. Grade Two  D. in Class Three

(   ) 9. Tom’s ______ is good.

A. English    B. Chinese   C. bad   D. car

(   ) 10. This dialogue(对话) happens(发生) in a ______.

A. shop    B. school    C. park   D. bus


My name is Betty. I’m _______ (十二). I’m in Hangzhou. It’s very h_____in ________(夏天). So I often go s__________ in the river. I like p_______ football, too. I have a friend. H______ name is Mike. He is eleven years _______(年龄). He likes _________ (篮球). He likes a_______ because it’s ________ (凉爽).


1. The kite is yellow and white.(划线部分提问)

________ ________ is the kite?

2. Tomorrow is Thursday.(划线部分提问)

_______  _______ is it tomorrow ?

3. I like playing football.(改为同义句)

My favorite _________ is ___________.

4. This is a computer in English.(划线部分提问)

________ _______ in English ?

5. like, spring, is , the, what, in, weather (?)(连词成句)


早上Wang Dan遇见了Susan,两人相互问好后,Wang Dan指着一辆蓝色的小汽车问Susan,那个用英语怎么说,如何拼写这个单词及其颜色等。






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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语寒假作业
