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七上英语寒假作业My family检测试题

[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语寒假作业   阅读:9573

假期来了,大家是不是特别开心呀?但是小编提醒大家:我们还是个学生,主要任务还是学习哦!鉴于此,小编精心准备了这篇七上英语寒假作业My family检测试题,希望对您有所帮助!



1.My friend Lingling sings very well.

2.This is a photo of Linda's family.

3.Uncle Zhang is a teacher in Yuxin Middle School.

4.These are my parents and my little sister.

5.My sister speaks English in class.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______


W:Hello,Bill!Is Gao Peng your friend?

M:Yes,he is.

Q:Is Gao Peng Bill's friend?

6.A.Yes,he is.  B.No,he isn't.  C.No,I'm not.

M:Good afternoon,Anna.Is Dave your brother?

W:No,he isn't.He is Mary's brother.

Q:Is Mary Dave's sister?

7.A.Yes,he is.  B.Yes,she is.  C.No,she isn't.

W:Hi,Jim.Is Mr Green your father? X Kb 1. Co m

M:No,he isn't.He is my uncle.

Q:Is Mr Green Jim's uncle?

8.A.Yes,they are. B.Yes,he is.  C.No,he isn't.

M:Good morning,Mrs Smith.Is this your family photo?

W:No,it isn't.It's Mrs Black's family photo.

Q:Is this Mrs Smith's family photo?

9.A.Yes,it is.  B.No,she isn't.  C.No,it isn't.

W:Good morning!Are you Mr Miller?

M:Yes,I am.

W:Is Tony your son?

M:Yes,he is.

Q:Is Mr Miller Tony's father?

10.A.Yes,he is.  B.No,he isn't.  C.Yes,she is.


Hello !My name is Mona.I am an English girl.I am in China now.I have a happy family.Jim is my grandfather.He can play basketball well.My grandmother is Anna.She likes to sing.My father is Jack.He can play football.My mother is Linda.She can dance.Tom is my uncle.He likes swimming.

Jim is Mona's __11__.He can play __12__well.

Jack is Mona's __13__.He can play __14__.

Tom is Mona's __15__.He likes __16__.

Anna is Mona's __17__.She likes to __18__.

Linda is Mona's __19__.She can __20__.



21.It's ______ old photo ______ my family.

A.a;of     B.an;at   C.an;of     D.a;at

22.The shop is ______ our house.

A.in the front of   B.in front of   C.in front     D.in the front

23.My m other is the busiest in my ______,and she does a lot of housework every day.

A.school     B.library   C.family     D.park[

24.This is my room.That is ______.

A.Jim and Tom's   B.Jim's and Tom's  C.Jim's and Tom   D.Jim and Tom

25.My mother is a ______,and she works at a ______ station.

A.policeman;police      B.police;policeman

C.policewoman;police      D.police;policewoman

26.—What's Norman Bethune's(诺尔曼•白求恩)______?

—He is a doctor.

A.work    B.job    C.name    D.friend

27.My bike is ______ yours.

A.same as   B.the same as  C.the same    D.the same like

28.—Where______my pictures?

—______ are in your bag.

A.is;These    B.are;They   C.are;Those    D.is;Their

29.I have a white bird.______ name is Hope.

A.It's      B.Its    C.It is     D.It

30.These ______ my father and my mother.

A.be      B.am    C.is      D.are


My name is Li Ming.I'm thirteen years old.__31__study at an international school.I have seven __32__ every day,four in the morning and __33__ in the afternoon.I often __34__ sports on the playground(操场)after class.

I have three meals in the school dining hall(食堂).The students in our school come __35__ different cou ntries,so there are lots of __36__ in the school dining hall such as hamburgers,fried chicken,rice and noodles.After school,I like __37__ in the school library(图书馆).I __38__ playing sports,too.I can play football,but I __39__ play basketball.I like playing football __40__ my classmates.Welcome to my school.

31.A.He     B.We    C.You     D.I

32.A.classes    B.teachers   C.students     D.classmates

33.A.four     B.three    C.two     D.one

34.A.ride     B.play    C.make     D.have

35.A.in     B.at    C.to      D.from

36.A.fruits    B.vegetables   C.foods     D.drinks

37.A.singing    B.playing   C.riding     D.reading

38.A.like     B.practise   C.would like    D.would

39.A.can't     B.don't    C.can     D.do

40.A.at     B.from    C.to      D.with



Mr and Mrs Green come from Australia.They are in Beijing now.Mr Green is a teacher in a high school.He teaches English.He likes reading and running.His son,Jim,is a student.He likes playing football very much.He likes studying,too.He does his homework every day.Mrs Green is a teacher,too.She can speak a little Chinese.She likes Chinese food.She doesn't like doing housework at all,but she likes cooking.They all like China a lot.[

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标签: family   初一英语寒假作业
