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Invisible wings初中英语阅读专题

[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初中英语阅读   阅读:9844

亲爱的同学们,你已经在历史的海洋中获取了许多知识,该是你大显身手的时候了,希望你认真审题,精挑细选,细心答题,这篇Invisible wings初中英语阅读专题,祝你取得优异的成绩。

ANGELA Chang didn't think it would be so hard to turn singing into a career (事业). She went to many different record companies. But the Taiwanese girl was always turned down for looking too young and small.

"I'd never had such difficulties before," Chang said. "My confidence was smashed (粉碎) to pieces."

Chang's talent was finally recognized (接受) in 2002. When she got a contract (合同), she burst into tears.

She soon became a star. Her first album Over the Rainbow (《飞越彩虹》) sold very well. She won many awards.

"You wouldn't believe such a powerful voice could come from such a small body," said one musician after hearing Chang sing. "She has a special voice. You can't forget it."

小编为大家整理的Invisible wings初中英语阅读专题,希望可以帮助大家,也希望大家好好利用,加把劲努力复习哟~~



标签: 暂无联系方式 初中英语阅读
