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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初中英语完形填空   阅读:9580


The recent milk crisis around the country has seen liquid milk sold by three leading companies contaminated (污染) with melamine (三聚氰胺).

Melamine is a chemical that is usually used to make plastics, but is   1   in the food industry. It was put in the milk to make milk appear rich in protein in   2   tests.

Tests of last Thursday showed that products from 22 of the 109 milk food firms have   3   the quality tests of the General administration of Quality supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (国家质检总局). 24 of the 1,202 batches批次 of liquid milk were contaminated. Besides Hebeibased Sanlu Group, the firms whose products are contaminated include such   4   giants as the Yili and Mengniu groups. All the bad milk will be   5   and destroyed.

However, scientists were quoted as saying the contamination level in liquid milk did not pose a big threat to people's   6  . Even milk with the highest concentration of melamine is   7   for a 60-kilogram or heavier adult if he or she drinks up to 2 liters a day.

The administration has ordered a thorough investigation into all the firms with   8   and said quality control officers would be sent to all 1,500 dairy farms in the country to carry out   9  .

So next time you buy milk, take a look at its   10   name.

1. A. banned        B. encouraged         C. added                D. admitted

2. A. quantity      B. quality            C. blood                D. industry

3. A. passed        B. refused            C. stood                D. failed

4. A. sports        B. jewellery          C. dairy                D. medicine

5. A. recalled      B. transformed        C. reuated              D. replaced

6. A. sight         B. brain              C. health               D. intelligence

7. A. helpful       B. harmful            C. safe                 D. normal

8. A. crimes        B. conclusions        C. possibilities        D. problems

9. A. plans         B. inspections        C. promises             D. orders

10. A. brand        B. pattern            C. label                D. edition

1. A  据下文“被三聚氰胺污染的牛奶在质量检查中是不合格的”可知三聚氰胺是禁止在食物中使用的。

2. B  显然这里是指质量检查。

3. D  据上下文及意境可知,这些奶制品在未能通过质检。

4. C  伊利、蒙牛公司是制奶业界的巨头。

5. A  所有问题牛奶将被回收(recall)和销毁。

6. C  这里是整体而言,对人们的健康不会构成威胁,而不是对人体的某个部位。

7. C  既然对人们的健康不会构成威胁,那就是安全了。

8. D  要检查的当然是有问题的牛奶了。

9. B  派出官员对牛奶场进行检查(inspections)。

10. A  下次买牛奶时,记得看一下所购买的品牌(brand)。


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