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当前位置: 小智贝文库中小学教学初中学习网初中英语学习初中英语改错翻译关于专项训练十的英语翻译填空题


[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初中英语改错翻译   阅读:9864


1. 两项关连

I have two books, one is Chinese; the other is English.

I have five books, one is Chinese; the others are English.

To say is one thing, but/and/ to do is another.

One the one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other hand, I am also you friend.

Some like to play football, others are fond of basketball.

2. 先后顺序

First/firstly, I wish good health, second/secondly success in your study, third/thirdly good luck in everything.

First stop, then look, finally cross.

At first/in the beginning/ he word hard. Later/Afterwards he is not so diligent.

3. 修饰限制

This is the same book as I lost yesterday.

This is the same book that I lost yesterday.(同一本书)

Don’t trust such a man as over praise you.

He/One/Those/They who should come failed to appear.

A man/A person/The one/Anyone/People who saw her liked her very much.

The day/time/moment will come when China is strongest in the world.

4. 两项连接

He can speak not only English but also French.

The book is both interesting and instructive.

It is neither cold nor hot.

Please either come in or go out.

The old worker has experience and knowledge as well.

5. 加和关系

Besides literature, we have grammar and writing.

Apart from oxygen, there are some other gases in the air.

In addition to "if", there is many other conjunctions that can introduce conditional clauses.

You seem to like tea, so do I.



标签: 暂无联系方式 初中英语改错翻译
