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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高考英语复习资料   阅读:9198

A. Never mind             B. Not at all   C. Sure, go ahead   D. Why not?

17、---Would you mind my opening the window for some fresh air?


A. Why not?                                             B. Yes, help yourself.

C. Go ahead, please.                                         D. Yes, but you’d better not.

18、 -Who is making so much noise in the garden?

- _______ the children.

A. There are          B. They are            C. That is              D. It is

19、 —May I try on this blue coat, Miss?

—___, but I think it will be too large for you.

A.With pleasure                                         B.By all means

C.As you like                                           D.Never mind

20、 --- Hi, Sam. I’m going to take a long walk along the sunny beach and go

swimming today.

--- ______!

A. How nice you are              B. That’s all right

C. Sounds great                  D. Good exercise

21、--- Xianyang Airport , please. I’ll be there by ten.

--- _______, but I’ll do my best.

A. No problem   B. All right  C. I can’t promise  D. It’s impossible

22、—It's been a wonderful evening. That's very kind of you.


A. It's my pleasure      B. With pleasure          C. Go ahead           D. Not really



23、—What a pity! Nothing seems to be going my way.

— _____,Susan. You are killing yourself for all the work.

A. Take it easy      B. Go right ahead          C. You deserve it      D. Have great fun

24、 — How about starting work tomorrow?

—Sorry, but I can't possibly start until Tuesday._____

A. Will that be OK?                                      B. Is that a good idea?

C. Do you think I'm right?                               D. Can't you agree with me?

25、—I'm worrying about the coming examination. I'm afraid I cannot pass it.

—_________! I'm sure you' 11 make it.

A. Go ahead             B. Good luck            C. No problem D. Don't lose heart

26、--Tom was late for work this afternoon.

--_____ ? As far as I know, he is fairly punctual.

A. Why not     B. So what    C. How come       D. How about

27、—Life is full of opportunities for you.

—That’s right. _____.

A. It’s my cup of tea                          B. I have butterflies in my stomach

C. It will cost an arm and a leg                 D. The world is my oyster

28、 —I like to surf the Internet but I don’t like to watch TV.


A. So do I         B. Nor do I        C. As do I        D. So it is with me

29、 –Guess what! Alice has failed in the exam.

– ____? She is second to none in English in our class.

A. How is it        B. How come        C. What             D. What is it

30、 —What are you anxious about?

— ____.

A. How can we succeed        B. Whether we can succeed

C. When can we succeed       D. That we can succeed

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