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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语试题   阅读:9762

4. They serve well in this restaurant. ______ _______ (至于) dishes, they taste terrible.

5. He _______ _______ (不可能是) a cheat. He ______ ______ (一定是) a very strange but very rich man.

Book 3  Unit 4  Astronomy: the science of the stars

I. 单词拼写. 请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式.

1. What would happen if there were no __________ (大气层).

2. A bomb was _________ (爆炸) at a gas station this morning and five persons were killed.

3. The government is encouraging the ____________ (发展) of small businesses.

4. Fruit juices can be ________ (有害) to children’s teeth.

5. Because of the ________ (到场) of the famous football star, everyone cheered up.

6. Without o________ animals can’t live.

7. The disease is s__________ quickly, so we must do what we can to stop it.

8. They were d___________ at the result of the game, so they looked unhappy.

9. I didn’t want to tell him the secret but he f_______ me to do so.

10. At first she didn’t like English but g__________ she is interested in it.

II. 完成句子

1. You will understand my kindness _______ _______ (最终).

2. What he said was quite ________ _________ _______ ________ ________ (与他做的不一样).

3. You are not allowed _______ ________ ________ ________ (在这里踢足球).

4. The boy is _______ the hole ________ ________ (正往洞里灌沙子).

5. When the war ______ ______ (爆发), he was working in the navy.

III. 翻译下面的单词和短语

1.太阳系 _________________         2.及时,迟早 _________________

3.阻止,制止_________________      4.依靠,信赖    __________________

5.感到高兴 _______________         6.既然,由于    __________________

7.传播,蔓延 _______________       8. 强暴的、猛烈的  __________________

9.发展   ______________            10. 作一次太空旅行__________________

11.熟悉,掌握, 理解___________________

12.突发,爆发 __________________

13.猛烈的,强暴的_____________     14.大气层,气氛  __________________

15.流逝,经过________________      16.与…不同      __________________

17.冷却__________________          18.表面        __________________

19.生命的开始____________________  20.地心引力,重力  __________________

IV. 用以上单词和短语的正确形式填空

1. It was almost midnight when a fire ________________  in the neighborhood.

2. ________________ everybody is here, Let’s start.

3. ---Did you catch your plane?

---Yes, we got there just _________________.

4. As time ________________, everything will be OK.

5. They saw the fire s________________ from the factory to the houses nearby.

6.It is bad for children to see too many films with _______________.

7. The dish tastes good after it ____________________.


8. ---Will you go fishing this afternoon?

---Well, it all ____________________ the weather.

9. After a while I ____________________ it and we began to enjoy ourselves.

10.All the people present ____________________ when they saw the teams arrive.

V. 完成句子


He used to _______________his living _____________________.


The firework ____________________________ and he hurt seriously.


Country life is _________________________________________ city life.


Mary ___________ in the exam. _____________________ she had been ill for two weeks.

5. 第二次世界大战是1939年爆发的。

World War II ____________________________in 1939.


I ______________________ I hurt her feelings.


Her husband took her to the concert _______________________.


They __________________________ to the moon in a spaceship.


We should find some ways to _____________ the harmful gas ______________________.


_______________________________________, people depend more and more on the computer to deal with all kinds of things.


1.幸运的是我们都能及时赶到火车站。(in time)     _______________________________________________________________



3.在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。(depend on).  _______________________________________________________________

4. 既然你已得到一个机会,你最好充分利用它。(now that; make use of )


5关于新校长要来的消息很快传遍了全班。(arrival; spread)


6.经过十天的培训(training),工人们逐渐掌握了使用机器的技能。(get the hang of)




8. 什么也不能阻止他们的计划得以实施。(prevent…from)

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高一英语试题
