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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语试题   阅读:9762


I.. 根据句子的意思,写出正确的单词,并注意词的正确形式。

1. An apple falls down instead of up because of g              .

2. There are seven c                in the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, North American, South American, Australia and Antarctica.

3. The shopkeeper owed a lot of money and could not pay all his d            .

4. Henry felt j____________ when he saw the food on the brothers’ table.

5. ---What are the two o             languages in Canada?

--French and English.

6. The proud man said he would rather s_______ than beg for food.

7. What he said couldn’t s________ his parents, so they kept asking him.

8. A boy l_______ us to the old man’s house, so we had no trouble in finding him.

9. He is a famous p________ and his poems are popular with the youth.

10. It is not his custom to d________ his sadness in wine.

11. She entered the lab without _____________ (许可).

12. There is now no ______________ (可能) that she comes to apologise to us.

13. Do you know when India gained its _______________ (独立) from Britain.

14. He is the most _________(英俊) man I’ve ever met.

15. He got a lot of __________ (奖状) for his excellent study.

II. 根据中文意思完成句子

1. _________ _________your company is large, it can still _________ _________ trouble by growing too quickly.


2. He quickly _______ ________ to work because he has a ________ ________ working with other people.


3. It is _________ that he was trying to ________ ________ ________.


4. He gradually ______ ______ _______ of this method of research after many years’ practice.


5. We should be _______ and get ______ of the habit of _________ _________.


6. We should find some ways to ________ the _______ gas _______ _________.


7. Can you ________ ________ the total number __________ ten minutes?


8. I saw the old lady ________ _________ the boy who had broken her window.


9. I’d _________ stay at home __________ go out at the moment.


10. Every year many people in the world _________ ________ _________(饿死).

11. Drinking and smoking will _______ ________ (有害) to your health.

12. Drinking and smoking can ________ ________ (导致) health problems.

13. In order to complete the task on time, they work ________ _______ ________(日夜).

14. The manager said he would come to the meeting but he hasn’t _______ ________(来).

Book 3  Unit 2  Healthy  eating

I. 单词拼写. 请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式.

1. Foods, such as rice, sugar, butter, oils and so on can give us e___________.

2. We should try our best to keep the b___________ of nature or we’ll be punished by nature.

3. I’m t______ of this kind of food. Can’t we change a different one?

4. Being an honest man you shouldn’t tell l_________.

5. In order to stay s_________, she eats very little every day.

6. This kind of fish doesn’t need to be cooked. It can be eaten r_________.

7. Children’s _________ (好奇心) with everything plays an important part in their study.

8. It may take a few weeks for you to build up your _________(体力) again.

9. This factory will bring __________(好处) to the people around it.

10. It’s important to know your own strengths and ___________(缺点).

II. 完成句子

1. You _______ ______ _______ (不应该) go on living this way.

2. He has been ________ _______ (厌烦了) working for this boss.

3. I won’t have you _______ ______ ______ ______ (作弊而不受惩罚) in the exam.

4. She hurried back home, _______ _____ _______ (不料发现) she had left the keys in the office.

5. ______ _______ _______ (为什么不) help your mother with the housework?

Book 3  Unit 3  The Million Pound Bank-Note

I. 单词拼写. 请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式.

1. He is very rich though he is always in r______.

2. They treat their mother like a s__________. She does everything for them.

3. They shouldn’t treat their mother in a rude m_______. They should respect her.

4. He looked back over his s__________ and found they were running after him.

5. Her parents don’t p___________ her to go back home late in the evening, so she had to leave the party early last night.

6. This kind of work needs __________ (耐心) and carefulness.

7. Dozens of ___________ (狼) are raised in this zoo.

8. He has a good sense of __________(幽默).

9. She likes to read detective _____________(小说).

10. The little boy was curious about the ants working in the field. He _________ (专注地看着) at them.

II. 完成句子

1. I’m afraid it will rain tomorrow. ______ _______ (假如下雨的话), we won’t be able to hold our football match.

2. — Do you mind my asking a few questions?

— _______ ________ (问吧).

3. _______ _______ ________ (说实话), I don’t like this man.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高一英语试题
