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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语寒假作业   阅读:9815



29. I have never dreamed of _______ for me to win the first prize in the 1000-meter race.

A. there was a chance B. there being a chance

C. it being a chance D. it was a chance

30. Philips openly admitted __________ an alcohol (酒精) problem and he was not admitted __________ the drivers’ club.

A. to have; to B. having; to C. to have; as D. having; as

31. Paul didn’t want to put on the coat. He said that he _________ by his friends.

A. will be laughed at B. will be laughed

C. would be laughed at D. would be laughed

32. The book, _______ is blue, is mine.

A. the cover of which B. whose cover

C. of which the cover D. all the above

33. The policemen are searching _____ every house _____ the thief.

A. for; for B. of; of C.不填; for D. of; for

34. He is wearing sunglasses to __________ his eyes from the strong sunlight.

A. protect B. prevent C. save D. help

35. It was about 600 years ago __________ the first clock was made.

A. that B. until C. before D. when




标签: 暂无联系方式 高一英语寒假作业
