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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高一英语寒假作业   阅读:9500




With the average home in the capital selling for 19,548 yuan a meter in November, a tiny

mobile home built by a 24-year-old office worker is creating a stir(震动) online.

Dai Haifei built the 6-square-meter pad(住所) because he could not afford to buy or rent in

the capital.

Dai’s new home costs him 6,400 yuan and he has been living in it for nearly two months in

courtyard at Chengfu Road, Haidian district.

Dai, who is one of the millions of migrants who moved to the capital from other parts of

China seeking a better life and better job, said he realized his financial burden had become too


The Hunan native said he simply could not make ends meet(收支相抵) when he became an

intern at a Beijing-based construction design company in 2009.

“I rented a home at the very beginning--a small room in an apartment that cost me about 900

yuan per month,” said Dai in an interview with local media. “It was too expensive for me. ”

Dai’s father works on a construction site in his hometown and his mother is a cleaner.

Dai, who ended up becoming a formal employee of the company, figured out his own way to

solve the problem---with inspiration from a housing design project at his company’s exhibition

early this year.

The project, named“An egg given birth to by the city”, included a series of egg-like

movable houses, with a karaoke house, chair house and trader’s house in it.

Dai, who borrowed 6,400 yuan from an older cousin and who got additional help from several

friends, decided to make one of his own. He spent nearly two months building his“egg house”in

his hometown, a village in southeast Hunan that is around 1,700 kilometers from Beijing.

61. Where is this passage probably taken from?

A. A story book. B. A cartoon film. C. A news report. D. A research report.

62. What is Dai Haifei?

A. An official of government. B. A journalist.

C. An office worker of a company. D. A manager of a company.

63. Why did he build the pad?

A. Because he will sell it for money.

B. Because he has no house to get married in.

C. Because he doesn’t have enough money to buy or rent a house.

D. Because he wants to get help from the society.

64. Which statement is not TRUE?

A. He comes from a Hunan village. B. He has lived in the egg home for two months.

C. He got the idea from a friend. D. He once rented a room.

65. What’s the writer’s attitude?

A. Supporting. B. Puzzled. C. Criticizing. D. Objective.




标签: 暂无联系方式 高一英语寒假作业
