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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9453

C. Some interesting facts people don’t know about pandas.

D. A discovery about how pandas give birth.



Some Chinese are travelling abroad for Spring Festival. What’s the best way to travel? Is getting out good, or is staying home for a traditional get-together still the best?

Louisagh (Beijing): People are tired of traditional family parties at Spring Festival. So they choose to travel. Personally, I prefer travelling with a tourist agency. It saves lots of troubles, such as booking rooms or looking for the right local transportation.

Tiger (Shanxi): Travelling around the world is my dream. But I would like to travel by myself. I believe only DIY (Do It Yourself) travel can help you understand a country, a culture and a people fully. Travelling with a tourist agency is easier but you lose the chance to touch and experience the culture by yourself, which makes the trip shallow.

Wenhu (Zhejiang): I like the idea of travelling abroad during the Spring Festival. This long holiday is the only time I can afford for travelling. However, I am not satisfied with the service of the tourist agencies. Their routes are not so attractive and you could be cheated. If we want to develop overseas tourism further, we must regulate the market and create special services.

Lym.ok (Shanxi): In my opinion, staying at home for a traditional get-together is still the best for Spring Festival. Since it’s often not easy for friends or family members to meet at other times, the Spring Festival holiday is a good chance for them to get closer and sweeter.

Jilia Song: Staying home is still the best for the Spring Festival. I am working far away from home. There is little chance for me to be with my family each year. (Many Chinese are in the same situation, I guess.) Spring Festival is the best chance for us to unite.

70. Why do Louisagh want to travel with a tourist agency?

A. It can save a lot of money.

B. She can make new friends.

C. The tourist agency can arrange a lot of things for her.

D. She has a friend in the tourist agency.

71. Who has the opposite ideas with each other?

A. Lym.ok and Jilia Song B. Louisagh and Tiger

C. Tiger and Wenhu D. Louisagh and Wenhu

72. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Tiger believe only DIY travel can help you understand a country, a culture and a people fully.

B. Wenhu can’t afford a holiday during the Spring Festival

C. Lym.ok thinks it’s often easy for friends or family members to meet at any moment

D. Jilia Song is working too far away from home to go back.

73. The underlined word “regulate” in the passage probably means ______________.

A. conduct strictly B. work hard to get the desired result

C. cause to obey the rules D. pay attention to


People often say that laughter is the best medicine. A British study suggests this is true, according to a report by AFP on September 14. A good laugh with friends can help you deal with pain.

Researchers did two experiments. The first was done in a laboratory. Volunteers wore special wristbands (腕带). Some of them were asked to watch comedies such as Mr Bean or Friends while others watched serious programs about golf or wildlife. Then the wristbands were made tighter to see how much pain the volunteers could feel.

Another test was done at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Some volunteers watched a comedy show and others watched a theatrical drama (舞台戏剧). At the same time, the volunteers had to put their backs against the wall with their legs bent (弯曲的) as if they were sitting on a chair - a very uncomfortable position. They did this before and immediately after the show. Scientists found that just 15 minutes of laughter improved people’s ability to stand pain by 10 percent. However, the serious programs and the drama had no effect on pain at all. “Using microphones (麦克风), we were able to record each of the volunteers and found that in a comedy show, they laughed for about a third of the time, and their pain tolerance (耐受性) rose,” said Robin Dunbar, head of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Oxford.

The study found that the magic effect of laughter comes from endorphins (内啡肽). These are chemicals (化学物质) produced by the human body that make you feel less pain and can make people feel happier. Exercises such as running, swimming and yoga can all produce endorphins. Your muscles (肌肉) move in and out when you are laughing. Scientists believe that this is tiring for muscles, so we start to produce endorphins. Scientists also found that the only laughter that worked was real and relaxed and not just polite laughter.

So next time you have a headache, get together with a group of friends, watch a funny movie and laugh. You will soon feel a lot better

74. What did scientists intend to find with the experiments?

A. What the best ways are to help people stand pain.

B. Whether laughter has an effect on pain.

C. Why people love comedy shows.

D. How quickly people can recover from pain.

75. According to the article, endorphins __________.

A. can be produced when people’s muscles move

B. are produced when people feel happy

C. stop being produced when people feel pain

D. are produced when people feel pain

76. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. It was wrongly believed that laughter is the best medicine.

B. People feel less pain when they laugh heartily.

C. Polite laughter is just as effective at reducing pain.

D. Serious programs can help relieve pain.

77. When you feel pain, you are advised to ________.

A. eat a lot of junk food B. sleep on the couch for a while

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