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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9453


第一卷 听力部分 ( 共两小节, 满分20分 )



1. Only by ________ training can Liu Xiang make such rapid progress in the 110-meter hurdles.

2. Many foreigners have become _________ of our country.

3. What a good ____________ he is! I like him very much.

4. To Jamie’s __________, he remained calm.

5. I kept my reference books near my desk for ______________ .

6. She ____________ all her business affairs before going on holiday last week.

7. A lot of rivers and lakes have been ______________ by industrial waste.

8. We are still relatively that the factory can be saved.

9. I think your assessment of the current economic situation is pretty ______________

10. Most students hate to wear ______________ everyday in school.


听下列十段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的A 、B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 每段对话读两遍。

11.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Workmates. C. Strangers.

12.How does the woman’s sister go to university?

A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By subway.

13.What does the man suggest?

A. She should be more careful next time.

B. They try to think of a solution.

C. She should find a spare key.

14.What will the woman do this evening?

A. Have dinner with a friend.

B. Watch a ball game on TV.

C. Wait for a phone call.

15.What is the present price of the suitcase?

A. 25 dollars. B. 35 dollars. C. 50 dollars.

16.Where did the dialogue take place?

A. In the street. B. In the hotel. C. At a hospital.

17.What’s the woman doing?

A. She is watching TV.

B. She is answering the phone.

C. She is turning down the TV.

18.Why wasn’t the man in class all week?

A. He had a lot of homework to do.

B. His mother was ill.

C. He was ill.

19.Why did the woman say sorry?

A. She was late.

B. She didn’t wait for the man.

C. She didn’t wait for long enough.

20.Where is Miss White from?

A. America. B. Australia. C. Japan.

第二卷 笔试部分 (共六小节,满分130分)



21. They believe that this illness is _______ (link) to the use of chemical pollution.

22. From what is said above, we can draw a ________ (conclude) at last.

23. The invention of typewriter was a great ________ (contribute) to printing.

24. A new kitchen would cost ________ (rough) $6,000.

25. I was _______ (delight) to hear you were getting married.

26. He kept himself _________ (inform) of what happened in his company.

27. It took me a few weeks to get used to my new _________ (surround).

28. You should speak to a lawyer for a _________ (profession) opinion.

29. He went to the south for a _________ (cure) at a famous hospital.

30. He became _________ (inspire) when he thought about helping ordinary people.

第二节 单项填空 ( 共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分 )


31. A driver is asked to keep his safety belt ____________ while driving on the freeway.

A. fasten B. fastening C. fastened D. to fasten

32. When _______ help, we often say “Thank you” or “It’s very kind of you.”

A. offered B. offering C. to be offered D. to offer

33. I don’t think Peter is the right person to ____________ the plan.

A. leave out B. pour out C. set out D. carry out

34. Always read the________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.

A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions

35. - Have you gone to see the doctor?

- No, but ____________.

A. I will go B. I am going C. I go to see D. I am going to

36. - How was the television debate last night?

- Super! Rarely ______so much media attraction.

A. a debate attract B. did a debate attract

C. a debate did attract D. attracted a debate

37. I’m very ____________ about expressing my opinion in public.

A. previous B. consistent C. enthusiastic D. cautious

38. On Sunday morning after getting up, I helped my mother _________ our rooms and wash dirty clothes.

A. sweep up B. carry up C. keep up D. speed up

39. He is easy to get along with. _________ that, he is a determined boy.

A. Apart from B. Beside C. Except D. In addition

40. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ____________ yesterday.

A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. had happened

41. My computer is ______ breaking down, so I have to use my father’s computer instead.

A. constantly B. thoroughly C. steadily D. instantly

42. The trip there left him a deep _____and he began to complain everything around him.

A. view B. improvement C. impression D. sight

43. I have read the material several times but it doesn’t make any ____ to me.

A. meaning B. importance C. sense D. sign

44. The computer system _______suddenly while he was searching for information.

A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in

45. - It’s cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella.

- _______.

A. Yes, take it easy B. Well, it just depends

C. Ok, just in case D. All right, you’re welcome

第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30 分)


The first day of school we were challenged to get to know a new classmate. I 46 around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I found a little 47 lady with a warm smile.

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