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[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9622

31 A.more healthier B.healthier C.weeker D.worse

32 A.career women B.the busy C.the jobless D.the hard-working

33 A.that whenever B.whether C.that though D.since

34 A.comes to B.equals to C.adds up to D.amounts to

35 A.other than B.off C.in touch with away from

36 A.happy,interested B.glad,joyful C.cheerful,concerned unhappy,worried

37 A.busy B.free C.lazy D.empty

38 A.a river B.a gap C.a channel D.a bridge

39 A.come across B.come into contact with C.look down upon D.watch over

40 A.means B.stands C.equals D.matches

41 A.success B.death C.victory D.disease

42 A.Besides B.Nevertheless C.However D.Yet

43 A.disappointment B.achievement C.regret D.apology

44 A.a worker B.a farmer C.a writer D.a manager

45 A.manages B.controls C.operates on D.deals with

46 A.raise B.grow C.rise D.increase

47 A.in a word B.without a word C.at a word D.beyond words

48 A.that B.which C.what D./

49 A.the lonelier and weaker B.lonelier and weaker C.happier and healthier D.the happier and healthier

50 A.study well B.studying well C.study good D.studying good

第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


I’ve never visited the town of Wetumka in Oklahoma. But I understand the folks there celebrate a day every year when they laugh at themselves. They call it Sucker Day and they plan a town festival on the last Saturday of September to celebrate it.

It started in 1950 when a man called himself Morrison arrived there and persuaded local residents to put up money to bring a circus to town. They didn’t know him, but he was a nice enough fellow and they trusted his words.

Businessmen bought plenty of food, drinks, and even they prepared gifts for crowds of people who were bound to arrive. And Morrison sold tickets ahead of time. People in the town were so excited at the sight of a circus in their own town. Children could hardly sleep at night.

On the day the circus parade was to march in the main street, excitement turned into disappointment when nothing happened. Morrison had escaped away in the night with all the money he had got. There was no circus. The good folks of Wetumka were cheated.

It didn’t take long for their disappointment to turn to amusement, however, someone came up with an idea of holding a four-day celebration anyway. And why not? They had all the food and gifts. Calendars were clear, and besides, everyone’s heart was set on having a good time.

They called their party the Sucker Festival. In a display of good-natured fun, people celebrated the fact that they’d been robbed, fooled. And now Sucker Day is an annual event in the town___ a good excuse to come together, to laugh and have fun.

We are going to be fooled sometimes, especially if we easily place our confidence in people. But we shouldn’t give up trusting just to avoid being cheated.

51. After Morrison ran away, the people in the town .

A. searched for him everywhere but in vain.

B. All became angry with him

C. were sorry for their lost money

D. celebrated although cheated

52. The purpose of the passage is to .

A. encourage us to turn disappointment into amusement

B. advise us to experience the spirit of Sucker Day

C. warn us to look out for cheats in life

D. give us some ideas of a different culture.

53. The author’s feeling to people in Wetumka cab be described as .

A. sympathetic B. appreciative C. doubtful D. disappointed

54. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Sucker Day B. A Clever Cheat

C. Poor Folks of Wetumka D. A Pleasant Surprise



If you don’t know what to wear to attend Chinese celebrations, something red is always the right choice on such an occasions. The red color is connected with good luck or fortune. The Chinese people enjoy decorating their house with something red. The bride wears red dress on her wedding, though probably influenced by the western customs she would wear white dress at the beginning of the celebration.

Unlike the meaning of red to anger, danger and bad temper in the west, such as the expressions like “a red rag to bull”, “see red”, “be in the red”, “red in tooth and claw”, etc. the red always carries positive meanings in China.

The next special color in the past is yellow, which is similar to the color of earth and soil. Since earth and soil are very important for people, yellow used to be the favorite color used by the king in China.

Another favorite color is green, which presents life and energy, while black and white are connected with death. Don’t wear a black dress to attend a wedding or a birth party. Wearing a white headdress shows someone in your home recently dies. Probably black is related to darkness. The Chinese like to refer to things illegally done “black”, for example, “black money” and “black market”. And “black heart” refers to someone really bad.

The meanings of colors are obvious in the costumes of traditional Chinese operas. Red shows loyalty(忠实) and courage; black represents honesty and fairness; yellow clothing means royalty(皇室成员) and white to purity.

55. The red color in the west probably represents .

A. luck and happiness B. anger and danger

C. justice and mixed emotions D. loyalty and courage

56.We can know from the passage that .

A. white has a positive meaning in Chinese opera

B. yellow used to be popular with the working people.

C. red was the main color used by emperors in China.

D. “black heart” means someone with black heart.

57. When we attend a birthday party in China, we should wear .

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语试题
