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[10-15 23:08:43]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9867

C. wide wheels have a variety of important uses.

D. a new invention may make wheels less important.

61. The phrase “with the touch of a finger” in the third paragraph means______.

A. without difficulty                   B. by electricity .

C. without friction                     D. by hand.

62. The passage tells us that the new invention __________.

A. is more important for industry than for transport.

B. will one day be used instead of aeroplanes.

C. makes it possible to travel without using roads.

D. will replace wheeled vehicles using roads.

63. According to the passage, the new invention _______.

A. will soon get a name    B. can go almost anywhere

C. is lighter than air     D. was uncommon a century ago

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语试题
