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[10-15 23:08:43]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9409

A. into; in     B. into; into

C. in; in       D. in; into

25.  Don’t talk about such things of ___ you are not sure.

A. which   B. what   C. as   D. those

26.  ---- Many people support the plan.

----But ____ are against it.

A. many   B. few   C. more   D. much more


27.  I got up early, but I ___, because I had no work to do that morning.

A. needn’t have done so   B. need to do so

C. need have done so      D. needn’t do so

28.  They have invited me to visit their country, ___ is very kind of them.

A. as     B. that    C. X      D. which

29.   ____ on the hill, we could see the whole town.

A. Seeing    B. Stood    C. seen    D. standing

30.  The old man ___ morning exercises.

A. is used to do    B. got into the habit to do

C. has got into the habit of doing   D. get used to do

31.  Three hours ___ enough ___ me to do my exercises.

A. are; of     B. is; of    C. are; for   D. is; for

32.  ---- Hello, Peter. How was your trip?


A.     Hello, he was fine

B.     I’m very well, thank you

C.     It was great, thanks.

D.     Thank you very much

33.  The baby couldn’t finish the meal. His mother had given him ___ much.

A. quite so     B. rather too

C. very so      D. many too

III.完形填空 (满分20分)

Mike was wandering by the Thames 36 one Sunday evening 37 he heard a woman’s cry for help from a nearby house. He rushed to 38 what was the matter. Suddenly he saw a man 39 with a bag in his hand. Mike realized at once that the cry must have 40 to do with this man. So he gave a loud shout: “Stop!” The was 41 , but he ran all 42 . He didn’t expect that Mike was much stronger and could run faster than he. Very soon he heard the 43 coming nearer and nearer. He knew that he couldn’t 44 . So he stopped running and turned to Mike. Pulling a handful of banknotes from the bag, he said to Mike 45 smile, “Dear friend, in my hand 46 some banknotes. Please 47 them. But you must let me go.” 48 these words, Mike knew that this 49 the man who 50 the woman of her money. The robber must be caught and punished. He said to the robber, “I’m a man who 51 earns an honest penny. Don’t expect me to take your dirty money.” 52 in his trick, the robber toke out a sharp knife and shouted at Mike, “Let me go 53 I’ll kill you.” Mike was 54 afraid. He raised his foot and kicked the knife into the air. In five minutes he held the robber 55 arm and took him to the police station.

36. A. in     B. on      C. at        D. for

37. A. when    B. while    C. then    D. since

38. A. explain  B. look for  C. find  D. find ou

39. A. walking slowly      B. carrying heavily

C. running hurriedly     D. wandering about

40. A. something           B. nothing

C. everything         D. anything

41. A. fearless  B. brave   C. surprised   D. sad

42. A. fast  B. less fast   C. the faster   D. faster

43. A. footprint   B. cheer   C. steps   D. feet

44. A. run   B. walk   C. stand   D. escape

45. A. with the ugly      B. with an ugly

C. in the ugly        D. in an ugly

46. A. area    B. is    C. have    D. has

47. A. fetch   B. bring   C. take   D. carrying

48. A. At    B. With    C. Saying    D. Giving

49. A. must be      B. could be

C. must have been     D. could have been

50. A. had stolen      B. had  robbed

C. would steal       D. would rob

51. A. never  B. always C. seldom  D. sometimes

52. A. Succeeded      B. Having succeeded

C. Failed          D. Having failed

53. A. and    B. but   C. or    D. so

54. A. not a bit      B. not a little

C. a bit         D. a little

55. A. from the      B. from his

C. by the        D. by his

IV. 阅读理解(满分40分)


Have you ever seen people dance? Some dances are fast and others are slow .People's feet always move when they dance .They keep on moving until the music stops.

People have enjoyed dancing for a very long time .This story is of a different kind of dance .It is the dance of bees(蜜蜂) .

If you have ever watched bees ,you know that they are very clever. They also work hard looking for food and bringing it back to their home .

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