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[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9358

Before Jon’s death, I felt proud that I 40 asked for favors. I identified myself by my competence and 41 . So who was I if I was no longer capable? How could I 42 myself if I just sat on the couch every day and watched the snow fall?

Learning to receive the love and 43 from others wasn’t easy. Friends cooked for me and I cried. Finally, my friend Kathy said, “Mary, cooking for you isn’t a 44 for me; it makes me feel good to be able to do something for you.”

Over and over, I heard 45 words from the people who supported me during those 46 days. One wise man told me, “You aren’t doing nothing because being fully open to your 47 may be the hardest work you will ever do.”

I am not the person I 48 was, but in many ways I have changed for the 49 . I’ve been surprised to learn that there is incredible freedom coming form 50 one’s worst fear and walking away whole. I believe there is strength, for sure, in accepting a dark period of our life.

31.A.on B.in C.like D.for

32.A.body B.soul C.shoe D.footprint

33.A.sweep up B.drop off C.fall down D.pile up

34.A.upstairs B.downstairs C.indoors D.outdoors

35.A.so B.yet C.and D.for

36.A.delighted B.disappointed C.annoyed D.ashamed

37.A.pay B.award C.reward D.treat

38.A.courage B.strength C.spirit D.power

39.A.stand alone B.leave alone C.sit alone D.let alone

40.A.frequently B.gradually C.hardly D.uncertainly

41.A.intelligence B.independence C.excellence D.qualification

42.A.achieve B.praise C.respect D.promote

43.A.supply B.support C.contribution D.similar

44.A.burden B.job C.business D.sorrow

45.A.sensitive B.same C.considerate D.similar

46.A.blue B.rainy C.bright D.snowy

47.A.despair B.difficulty C.pain D.regret

48.A.still B.once C.even D.never

49.A.worse B.less C.more D.better

50.A.facing B.noticing C.managing D.expressing

第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)



People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. They smile and they kiss. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word “mouth.”

For example, if you say bad things about a person, the person might protest and say “Do not bad mouth me.” Sometimes, people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because it hurts that person’s feelings. Or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell. The speaker might say: “I really put my foot in my mouth this time.” If this should happen, the speaker might feel down in the mouth. In other words, he might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.

Another situation is when someone falsely claims another person said something. The other person might protest: “I did not say that. Do not put words in my mouth.”

Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family. There is an expression for this, too. You might say such a person, “was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.” This rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from hand to mouth. This person is very poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life, like food.

Parents might sometimes withhold sweet food from a child as a form of punishment for saying bad things. For example, if a child says things she should not say to her parents, she might be described as a mouthy child. The parents might even tell the child to stop mouthing off.

But enough of all this talk. I have been running my mouth long enough.

51.In what kind of situation will a person say “Do not bad mouth me.” ?

A.When he feels down. B.When he feels regretful.

C.When he is spoken ill of. D.When he feels innocent.

52.If a person feels sorry for what he has said, he might say “ .”

A.Do not bad mouth me

B.I really put my foot in my mouth this time

C.Do not put words in my mouth

D.Stop mouthing off

53.If a person lives from hand to mouth, it implies .

A.he is badly – off B.he is hard – working

C.he is well – off D.he has enough to eat

54.By saying, “I have been running my mouth long enough”, the speaker means “ ”.

A.I have run a long way B.I have been a mouthy person

C.I have learned a lot D.I have talked too much


We would probably all be amazed if we watched a videotape of ourselves performing basically unconscious acts as we go about the business of the day. These unconscious acts consist of all the little personal habits that we don’t even think about, but definitely should. These are some of the things that present an image of who we are to others, and if we are careless in performing them, this image may well be other than we would like it to be.

Parents who insist that their children practice good manners and habits at home are doing them a great service, for these habits then become lifelong and the natural way they do things. It proves true that their unconscious actions will reflect a well-mannered person.

People who, for example, eat with both arms on the table at home will likely do so when out. Those who are lazy and slow in private will certainly be so in public. Children who are permitted to be disrespectful to their parents will follow suit with other adults, and will, most likely, become adults who are disrespectful of others. This is an area where the saying “practice makes perfect” may be applied.

There is an article about the actress, Audrey Hepburn, known for her beautiful carriage and posture. According to her biographer, her grandmother tied her neck to the back of her chair, at table, so that she would not drop down suddenly over her food, but rather would learn to put only small amounts of food on her spoon or fork and bring them to her mouth. This is a rather extreme “at home” method for the development of erect (直立的) posture, but it does illustrate the effectiveness of practicing good habits so that, when in public, they are instinctive.

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