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[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9358


Different people may bid for different things. _____________________________________________




1-5BBCBA 6-10ABBCB 11-15ACBCB 16-20CCAAC



21-25BCBAA 26-30BDCCB


31-35CADBA 36-40DCBDC 41-45BCBAD 46-50ACBDA

第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)

51-54 A B A D 55-58CBAD 59-62BCBC 63-66DAAD 67-70DBCD



71. Built in 1612

72. were accused of

73. had he arrived

74. was to blame /should be blamed

75. I wouldn’t (couldn’t) have passed

76. haven’t got the film develpoed

77.(should)be discussed

78. Every time I see

79. it is vital

80. there is no doubt that


Different people may bid for different things. As for me, I want dreams, friendship and an admission notice to a famous university most.

Dreams would be on the top of my list. Only by pursuing our dreams can we enjoy a meaningful and fulfilled life. Money can buy a comfortable life, but without dreams, even a millionaire would find his life boring.

A person without friends can never be happy. Our life is full of joys and sorrows, which we need people to share with. Faced with difficulties, we need friends to give us comfort and help. Just as a saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friendship can help us through ups and downs of life, so friendship would be in my list as well.

After working hard for so many years, I deserve to go to a good university, because being admitted to a famous university can help me live up to my parents’ expectations and bring me a bright future.





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标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语试题
