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[10-15 23:08:43]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语知识点   阅读:9152

【摘要】:紧张而又忙碌的高三生活你是否被繁重的学业压得透不过气来呢?其实只要有良好的复习规划,就可以让你的高三生活忙中有序。下面是www.xiaozhibei.com小编为您整理的“高三英语听力高效训练” ,相信一定会对你有所帮助!


1) 运动

boating and skating are my favorite sports;

walk all the way to the office;

find great pleasure in walking;

take it as a kind of exercise;

fishing is a good way to kill time;

give a talk on fishing;

have the same hobby as sb.;

show great enthusiasm for;

be enthusiastic for;

be interested in;

be willing to swim;

how do you like yesterday's play;

play one's part quite well/exaggerate his part= too dramatic to be realistic;

see last night's film on channel

2) 闲聊:

it's high time we turned our attention to the problem;

I can't agree with you more;

I'd ride a bike to work;

take a crowded bus during the rush hours;

take good care of one's car;

the car is well maintained;

the car is in good condition;

no scratches on the outside and the inside is clean too;

car can stand any crash

3) 公共场合:

the music is beautiful;

I'd like to dance;

I don't know the steps;

give performance;

listen to the music;

dance to music;

Tom looks awfully nervous;

be not used to making speeches;

an awful/inexperienced speaker;

be terribly embarrassed;

the audience get up and leave in the middle of the performance;

appreciate the real life drama;

the title of the oil painting;

an early 18-century work;

look it up in the catalog;

at an art gallery

【总结】“高三英语听力高效训练” 到这里就结束了,希望大家好好复习,未来是属于你们的。





标签: 暂无联系方式 高三英语知识点
