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[10-15 23:24:34]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小升初英语试卷   阅读:9489


51. Let ______ help _______.

A. they, youB. us, yourC. her, theirD. us, you

52. I want to cook some food ______ dinner.

A. inB. forC. atD. on

53. What do you do?I am a ______.

A. hospitalB. workC. post officeD. worker

54. Mary ______ do sports last week.

A. isn'tB. doesn'tC. didn'tD. does

55. Where is the bank? It is ______ the market.

A. onB. nextC. orD. next to

56. Lily can _______ all kinds of things.

A. doesB. doC. didD. doing

57. _______ you like?A cup of tea, please.

A. What wouldB. WhatC. WouldD. How many

58. _______ your favorite singer?She is Sun Yue.

A. What'sB. Who'sC. Where'sD. Who

59. Li Ping isn't here. Let's go ______ find him.

A. /B. andC. orD. but

60. ______ Mary _______ bananas?

A. Is, likeB. Do, likesC. Does, likeD. Do, like

61. Look! The man ______ the right is ______ Africa.

A. on, fromB. from, fromC. on, inD. to, in

62. We have no time ______ home for lunch.

A. goB. goingC. to goD. to go to

63. She likes to _______ jokes.

A. talkB. tellC. sayD. speak

64. Mr. Green is a short man _____ long hair.

A. withB. inC. hasD. grows

65. I'd like you ______ my friends Tom.

A. meetB. to meetC. meetingD. meets

66. _______ do you like English?Very much.

A. WhatB. HowC. WhichD. Where

67. Everyone in China _______ eating dumplings.

A. likeB. likingC. to likeD. likes

68. What does your mother ______ ? She is tall and thin.

A. lookB. likeC. look likeD. be like

69. He has ________ friends at school, so he feels unhappy.

A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little

70. _______ he often do his homework at home?

A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Would

71. I'd like _____ you.

A. play withB. to playC. to play withD. playing with

72. There _____ some tomatoes and milk in the box.

A. isB. wereC. wasD. have

73. They often watch TV _______ Sunday evening.

A. atB. inC. onD. of

74. I helped him _____ his pen.

A. to findB. findingC. findsD. found

75. ________ the weather in Australia now?

A. WhatB. WhenC. HowD. How's

76. I can't ______ the cold weather.

A. likeB. needC. standD. want

77. Do you enjoy _______ the story books?

A. seeingB. readingC. to readD. to look

78. When _____ the King _______to China?

A. was, comeB. did, cameC. did, comeD. was, came

79. What ______ the boy and girl ______?

A. is, doB. is, doingC. are, doD. are, doing

80. It often _______ here in autumn.

A. rainedB. will rainC. rainsD. is raining

81. Can you help me _____ my homework?

A. ofB. withC. toD. for

82. The boy is sitting ____ the tree, there are many apples ____the tree.

A. in, onB. on, inC. in, ofD. on, of

83. ______ there ______ meat on the table?

A. Is, someB. Are, anyC. Is, anyD. Are, some

84. Who can play ping-pong _______ me?

A. toB. ofC. withD. for

85. Welcome _______ our talk show!

A. forB. atC. toD. of

86. Look! They ______ in the hallway.

A. runB. runningC. are runningD. are runing

87. We have classed ______ Monday ______ Friday.

A. to, fromB. from, toC. on, onD. on, and

88. _______ your mother ______ the new house?

A. What is, likeB. What do, think of

C. What does, likeD. What does, think of

89. Lucy doesn't mind _______ the dishes after dinner.

A. washB. washingC. to washD. washed

90. There are ______ on the desk.

A. three cups of teasB. three cupC. three cups of teaD. three teas

91. What are you doing now? I _____ my homework.

A. goB. doC. doingD. am doing

92. What color is your cat?___________.

A. Yes, it's redB. No, it isn't redC. It's redD. Its red

93. What ______ she look like?

A. isB. doC. doesD. doing

94. The weather is ________.

A. sunnyB. rainC. cloudD. wind

95. Is your mother a worker ______ a doctor?

A. andB. orC. withD. too

96. _______ do you like koalas?Because they are cute.

A. WhyB. Why doC. What doD. Where do

97. Oh, it's time ______ home.

A. to goB. for goC. goingD. would go

98. I want to go shopping. _______ you?

A. How areB. What aboutC. Can I helpD. Would

99. _______ here.

A. Don't smokingB. No smokeC. No smokingD. Doesn't smoke

100. Do you have to _____ by10 o'clock?

A. go bedB. to go bedC. go to bedD. going to bed



标签: 暂无联系方式 小升初英语试卷
