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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小升初英语试卷   阅读:9843


 (时间:30分钟 满分:100分)


  ( )1、

  A、bike B、subway C、plane

  ( )2、

  A、post-card B、story-book C、newspaper

  ( )3、

  A、turn right B、turn left C、go straight

  ( )4、

  A、bored B、angry C、happy

  ( )5、

  A、have a fever

  B、have a cold

  C、have a sore throat


  ( )1、A、bus B、plant C、subway D、plane

  ( )2、A、excited B、happy C、violin D、sad

  ( )3、A、did B、went C、have D、played

  ( )4、A、wash B、desk C、table D、chair

  ( )5、A、bed B、dance C、sing D、read


  ( )1、—Where is the bank?


  A、It is near the cinema. B、It is big . C、It is beautiful .

  ( )2、—What’s your ?

  — I like reading.

  A、job B、hobby C、pen pal

  ( )3、Usually I to school foot.

  A、goes; on B、go; on C、go; by

  ( )4、I’m going a flower tomorrow.

  A、plant B、to plant C、plants

  ( )5、— , Where is the bookshop?

  — It’s near the post office.

  A、Sorry B、Goodbye C、Excuse me[

( )6、I a cold.

  A、have B、am C、has

  ( )7、— you have a good time?

  —Yes, I did.

  A、Did B、Do C、Are D、Can

  ( )8、She yesterday.

  A、go shopped B、going shopping C、went shopping


  ( )9、What you do last weekend?

  A、are B、did C、do

  ( )10、John pictures last Sunday .

  A、take B、takes C、took

  ( ) 11. My grandfather usually ________ the flowers in the morning.

  A. watering B. is watering C. waters

  ( ) 12. Listen! Xiaoling ________ in her classroom.

  A. sings B. singing C. is singing

  ( ) 13. Yesterday my parents and I ________ our house.

  A. are cleaning B. cleaned C. are going to clean

  ( )14.How _______ she go to school in the morning ?

  A. is B. does C. do

  ( ) 15.Xinjiang is ________ than shanghai, I think.

  A. bigger B. shorter C. longer


  1、—How do you go to school?

  —I go to school by .

  2、My P. E. teacher is than my math teacher

  3、—What did she do yesterday?

  —She .[

 4、—What did you do on your holiday?


  5、—How does Peter feel?

  —He is


  ( )1. How does your mother feel? A. I went swimming.

  ( ) 2. Who are you going with? B. By bike

  ( ) 3. Can you play the violin? C. Yes, I can.

  ( ) 4. What did you do last night? D. I’m going with Tom.

  ( ) 5. How did you go to school? E. She feels sad.


  1、yesterday , what , you, do, did (?)

  2、she, is , going , buy , a , to , magazine . ( . )

  3、father, TV, watches , my , yesterday . ( . )

  4、you , did , where , go , holiday , your , on . ( ? )

  5、last , I , washed , weekend , clothes ( . )


  Hello! My name is Mary. Last weekend I had a good trip with my parents. We went to Hong Kong by plane. It was so fast. On the first day, we went to Deseyne Land. There were many people here. That’s cool! I saw Mickey Mouse and Snow White there. My father took many pictures and my mother bought many presents. We had a great time.

( )1、Mary went to with her parents.

  A、Wuhan B、Hong Kong C、Shanghai

  ( )2、They went there by .

  A、ship B、plane C、train

  ( )3、Mary went to on the first day.

  A、Deseyne Land B、a beautiful park C、the sea

  ( )4、Mary’s father there.

  A、took pictures B、washed the clothes C、played football

  ( )5、Mary’s mother there.

  A、bought presents B、danced C、did housework


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