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[10-15 23:13:07]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  一年级英语同步练习   阅读:9116



一、 正确默写字母Aa~Zz的大小写:

二、 划出下列单词中的元音字母:

uncle balloon mouth leaf sing

三、 正确抄写下列单词:

bicycle father jump three butterfly

四、 问答句编号

1. How old are you today? No, he hasn’t.

2. Have you got a balloon? She has got a taro.

3. What do you like to eat? I like to eat peaches.

4. What has she got? No, I have got a ball.

5. Has he got a swing? I’m five.


1. What’s your name?

2. How are you?

3. How old are you?

4. How many books? (4)

5. Happy New Year!

6. Happy birthday.

7. What’s your father?

8. What’s your mother?

9. Are you a pupil?

10. Are you a teacher?

11. Is your father a doctor?

12. Is your mother a nurse?

13. Do you like meat?

14. Is it blue? (No)

15. What colour is your bag?

16. What do you see? (a butterfly)

17. Is he a policeman? (no)

18. Is she a nurse? (yes)

19. Say hello to your mother.

20. Say goodbye to your teacher.

21. Come with me.

22. What is this? ( apple)

23. What is that?(kite)

24. What do you like to eat?

25. Good morning.

26. Good afternoon.

27. Hello , I’m Mary.

28. Hi, Alice. This is Kitty.

29. Can you dance?

30. Can your father draw?

31. Can your mother sing?

32. Is this a pear? (no)

33. Is that a banana? (yes)

34. Have you got a brother?

35. Have you got a doll?

36. Has she got a bicycle? (yas)

37. Has he got a slide? (no)

38. What have you got?

39. What has she got? (swing)

40. Has your father got a balloon?

41. Has your mother got a ball?

42. Are you young?

43. Is your mother tall?

44. Is your father thin?

45. What colour is your rubber?


1. Show ______ your present. A. I B. me

2. Try _______ new shoes. A. you B. your

3. How _____ you? A. is B. are

4. ______ New Year! A. Happy B. Habby

5.What do you see? I see _________. A. a bee. B. bee

6.Make seven _______. A. kite B. kites

7.How many _______? Five. A. apples B. apple

8.____ colour is it? A. What’s B. What

9.This is _____ orange. A. an B. a

10. What colour is it? It’s ____ orange. A. / B. an

11. Is he a postman? Yes, ___ is. A. he B. she

12.Is she a doctor? No, she _____ A. is B. isn’t







标签: 暂无联系方式 一年级英语同步练习
