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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  一年级英语同步练习   阅读:9819


Vocabulary (12 marks)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (7*1=7 marks)

( ) 1. I help my mother __________ the food for lunch.

A. prepare         B. sort        C. gather        D. hide

( ) 2. I put on my shoes quickly as I was __________.

A. early           B. late        C. naughty       D. good

( ) 3. Paper bags can be used to make __________.

A. socks           B. gloves      C. puppets       D. shoes

( ) 4. Our clothes are made from _________.

A. paper           B. cloth       C. wood          D. plastic

( ) 5. Dr Leng uses a ___________ to listen to the heartbeat of his patients.

A. telescope       B. microscope  C. stethoscope   D. radio

( ) 6. Mingwei reads __________ on cars whenever he is free.

A. models          B. magazines   C.  papers       D. tapes

( ) 7. Mrs Tan cooks __________ food.

A. ugly            B. delicious   C. silly         D. beautiful

Grammar (35 marks)

Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (15*1=15 marks)

8. Mother promised to ( take, takes, taking ) me to the circus tonight.

9. You have to ( complete, completes, completing ) your  homework by Monday.

10. My bones are ( ache, aches, aching ) after the strenuous exercises.

11. I have just ( do, did, done ) the laundry.

12. The ducklings ( follow, follows, following ) their mother into the pond


13. Mary is ( shout, shouts, shouting ) again.

14. The boys ( are, is, have ) brushing their teeth now.

15. I am sorry I have ( break, breaks, broken ) your favourite vase.

16. Gloria would ( like, likes, liking) to have a glass of orange juice.

17. Everybody was ( sad, sadden, saddened ) by the news of his death.

18. Vincent was ( walk, walks, walking ) to school when he met his teacher.

19. How ( many, any, much ) rice do you take every day?

20. Meimei is going ( to, from, at ) the book shop to buy some stationery.

21. Keith is ( naughty, naughtier, naughtiest ) than James.

22. Adrienne has to be home ( of, by, to ) eight in the evening.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (10*2 = 20marks)

23.  roared     the    The lions   when   cracked   ringmaster  his whip



24. loosened   be  The soil     before     should    are    sown     the seeds



25. buzz     from     to flower    flit   as   The bees    they     flower



26. wake up    in   The boys   the   early   jogging   morning   to go



27. boy   from   shy   move   The   dared not   his seat



28. those   old   enjoys   woman   sing   children   watching    the



29. given by   listen   the   we   to   Miss Tan   instructions



30. many   in    interesting   there   this   pictures   are   book



31. keeps   Terence   an   album   stamps   in   his



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标签: 暂无联系方式 一年级英语同步练习
