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[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语试卷   阅读:9491



班级:____________ 姓名:______________ 成绩:_______________

一、听录音,选择正确的答语。(每题只读2次) (20分)

1、( ) A I’m from China. B. I’m nine.

2、( ) A. Fine, thank you. B. I’m nine.

3、( ) A. You are welcome. B. very well, thanks.

4、( ) A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon.

5、( ) A. Nice to meet you, too. B. I’m from America.

6、( ) A. She’s my friend. B. He’s my friend.

7、( ) A. She’s 60 years old. B. She’s my grandmother.

8、( ) A. Wow! B. It’s a fish.

9、( ) A. Nice to meet you, too B. See you.

10、( ) A. She’s my sister. B. Yes, she is.


1、( ) _______ are you from?

A. Where B. What

2、( ) I’m from _______.

A. china B. China

3、( ) Amy: Mom, this is my teacher, Miss Green.

Mom: _____________

A. Nice to meet you. B. This is Amy.

4、( ) Nice ______ meet you.

A. too B. to

5、( ) ------- I’m sorry.

------- _________

A. It’s OK. B. Thank you.

6、( ) ------- Who’s this boy?

------- ____ is my friend.

A. He B. She

7、( ) ------- Who’s that girl?

------- She ___ my sister.

A. are B. is

8、( ) ------ Who’s that _____?

------ She is my mother.

A. man B. woman

9、( ) ------ ______ watch TV.

------ Great!

A. Lets B. Let’s

10、( ) ----- Who’s this _____?

----- He is my grandpa.

A. man. B. woman.


( ) 1、What’s your name? A. Nice to meet you.

( ) 2、Where are you from? B. Fine, thanks.

( ) 3、Goodbye, mom. C. I’m from Canada.

( ) 4、This is my friend, Amy. D. My name is Mike.

( ) 5、How are you? E. See you.

( ) 6、Who’s this boy? F. Great!

( ) 7、Let’s paint. G.. She’s my grandmother.

( ) 8. Who’s that woman? H. I’m ten.

( ) 9. How old are you? I . Sure. Here you are.

( )10. May I have a look? J. He’s my brother.

( )11. who’s K 同学们

( )12.this L 那个

( )13.class M.女人

( )14.that N.谁

( )15.woman O.这个


1、Class, we have a new friend today.

2、Hi! I’m Sarah. I’m from Canada.

3、Hello, Mom! This is my friend, Amy.

4、Where are you from?

5、Who’s this woman? 6、She’s my grandmother.

7、Who’s that boy? 8、He’s my brother.

9、What a big goose!

10、Come on, Sarah. Let’s watch TV.



www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道    三年级英语试题

标签: 暂无联系方式 三年级英语试卷
