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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语试卷   阅读:9521



第一节 名 词








Ruler, tennis, apple ,socks ,bag,

shirt, notebook, shoes, milk

stockings, pen, mat, sneakers ,

scissors ,pants ,shorts


1. --What's your name? --I'm____ A. Betty B. betty C. lily

2. --Where are you from? --I' m from____ A. america B. America C. American

3. This is____, my teacher. A. Mr. li B. mr. Li C. Mr. Li

4. Are you going to ____ on May Day? It's the capital of____

A. bei jing, China B. Beijing, China C. Bei Jing,china

5. --Who's he? --He's____ A. Green Mary B. Jim Green C. Jim green

6. Look at____. It's nice. A. Picture 2 B.2 picture C. pictures

7. --Where' s Frank? --He' s in____105. A. room B. Rooms C. Room

8. --Do you like ____? --Yes, I do.

A. English B. english C. chinese

9. --Is it the ____? -- Yes. It's wonderful.

A. great wall B. Great wall C. Great Wall

10. I have math lessons on____.

A. Monday B. monday C. the Monday

11. I'm a girl. I study in a____.

A. Primary School B. Primary school C. primary school

12. When is____?

A. Mother's Day B. Mothers' day C. Mother's day



m a g o n

e a r p

a p e c h

o g e r a n

p e g r a

l e a p p


r b i t a b

n k e ym o

e n h

d k u c

t e r i g

r a b e


b e i k

b s u

r c a

t i n r a

n e p l a

o a t b


cyo r a n

l u r e r

n i f e k

e n p

e n pcil

a g b


c e r i

ood l e s n

e a b r d

a k e c

l i k m

d c a ny


l i b r y r a

n k b a

a p r k


a c b e h

m m us e u




1. dog ( ) 2. glass( ) 3. ear( ) 4. shark( ) 5. duck ( )

6. van ( ) 7. apple ( ) 8. candle( ) 9. present ( ) 10.telephone( )

11. kite ( ) 12. snake ( ) 13. window ( ) 14. rabbit ( ) 15. insect ( )

16. door ( ) 17. comic book ( ) 18. computer( ) 19. bedroom ( ) 20. flower( )

(21. table( ) 22. bug( ) 23. vegetable( ) 24. poster( ) 25. tie ( )

26. coin( ) 27. turtle ( ) 28. photo ( ) 29. tomato ( ) 30. potato ( ) 31. mouth ( ) 32. boy ( ) 33. dress ( ) 34. box ( ) 35. watch ( )

36. dish ( ) 37. bus( ) 38. class ( ) 39. body ( ) 40. country ( )

41. child( ) 42. man( ) 43. woman( ) 44. mouse( ) 45. fish( ) 46. sheep( ) 47. deer ( ) 48. tooth( ) 49. foot ( ) 50. goose ( )

51. leaf ( ) 52. knife ( )


1. boats ( ) 2. houses ( ) 3. coats ( ) 4. dresses ( ) 5. knives ( ) 6. potatoes ( ) 7. stories ( ) 8. women ( ) 9. desks ( ) 10. villages ( ) 11. leaves ( ) 12. balls ( )


1. How many ______ are there on the farm?

A. pig B. pigs C. piges

2. How much is the _____?

A. bread B. beans C. books

3. These are _____.

A. potatos B. sheeps C. cabbages

4. He washes the _____.

A. bowles B. boxs C. dishes

5. Do you want some _____?

A. apple B. butter C. egg

6. Let's get some _____.

A. pear B. oranges C. apple

7. She has five _____.

A. stickers B. pen C. hat


8. They have a big _____.

A. living rooms B. reading room C. bathrooms

9. I bought a box of _____ yesterday.

A. pear B. apple C. apples

10. It's a slice of _____.

A. pizza B. pizzas C. pizzas

11. Give me two _____ of potatoes.

A. bags B. bag C. box

12. I have three _____.

A. comic book B. comics book C. comic books

13. How many _____ are there on the farm?

A. duck B. ducks C. duckes

14. -- What are those?--They' re _____.

A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos

15. Would you like some _____?

A. popcorn B. popcornes C. popcorns


1.一些球some ____ 2.我的手套my ____ 3.4个汉堡包four ____ 4.他的名字his ____

5.她的大眼睛her big ____ 6.参观博物馆visit the ____ 7.照相take a ____ 8.在葡萄的上方above the ____

9.唱歌sing a ____ 10.进行野餐have a____


1. I go to school on ____ 2. Look at the ____ 3. I bought a bag of ____

4. Do you want some ___ 5. I'm going to the ____ 6. Where' s the ____

7. The ____ is behind the cinema. 8. Whose ____ is it? 9. How much is the ____?



1.一些米饭 A. some rice B. some rices 2.三片面包 A. three breads B. three slices of bread

3.一瓶牛奶 A. a bottle of milk B. a bottle milk 4.许多钱 A. many moneys B. much money

5.一些肉 A. some meat B. some meats 6.一条新闻 A. a piece of news B. a news

7.许多工作 A. a lot of works B. a lot of work 8.一张纸 A. a paper B. a piece of paper

9.一杯汽水 A. a soda B. some soda 10. 一磅 胡萝卜A. a pound of carrots B. a pound of carrot


1. Tom, do you have an ____ (orange T-shirt)?

2. There is some ____ (chicken) in the bowl.

3. Is there any ____ (water) in the box?

4. Are there any ____ (picture) on the wall?

5. All the ____ (boy) stand by the window.

6. I like ____ (winter) the best.

7. I bought a bag of ____ (rice) yesterday.

8. We have three ____ (bag) of ____ (peach).

9. Have some ____ (strawberry), please.

10. I' m hungry. I' d like some ____ (food).

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标签: 暂无联系方式 三年级英语试卷
