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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语试卷   阅读:9521


1. I'm busy today. I have ____.

A. a lot of homework B. many homeworks

2. I would like some apple ____. I am very thirsty.

A. juice B. juices

3. I often dust the ____ home.

A. furniture B. furnitures

4. She's ____.

A. Chinese B. Chineses

5. They are ____.

A. doctors B. doctor

6. I see you have white ____.

A. hair B. hairs

7. There are five ____ in his family.

A. people B. peoples

8. The ____ is very fresh.

A. food B. foods

9. Can you give me some bottles of ____ juice, please?

A. orange B. oranges

10. Would you like some ____?

A. water B. waters



1. Betty' s mother' s mother _______

2. Betty' s father' s father______ 3. Betty' s father' s brother______

4. Betty' s mother' s sister _________

5. Betty's aunt's son _________

6. Betty's father and mother______



A. Lucy hat B. Lucy's hat C. Lucys hat


A. Tom mother B. tom's mother C. Tom's mother


A. Mr. White's car B. Mr. White car C. mr white's car


A. my sisters's toy B. my sister's toy C. my's sister's toy


A. the cat tail B. the cat's tail C. the cat' tail

6.问题的答案 A. the question's answer B. the answer for the question C. the answer to the question


A. today paper B. today's paper C. today' papers


A. a week' holiday B. a week holiday's C. a week's holiday


A. the kev tothe lock B. the lock's key C. the key of the lock


A. my a friend B. a friend of my C. a friend of mine


1. my mother's hat 2. the walls of our classroom 3. the driver's car 4. the trees of the park

5. tomorrow's weather 6. New Year's Day 7. Children' s Day


1.We are _______(这个班级的学生). 2.Where are my _______(爸爸的鞋)? 3.Tom has _______(一张上海地图). 4 ._______(这个医院的护士)is in the office. 5.March 8 is ______(妇女节).



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