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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语试卷   阅读:9811

A: Who’s the strong man in the photo? B: ____________________

A: Is the short lady your mother? B: _____________________

A: She is Pretty. B: ___________________

A: Oh, there are two yellow ducks in the photo. Whose ducks are these?

B: _________________________

2012 学年第二学期三年级英语期末考试听力材料:


1. BDH 2. FMG 3. 9064 4. 3710625 5. hat 6. name 7. doll

8. red 9. me 10. duck


A. two blue birds B. an apple C. three pears D. four bananas

E. five mice F. six monkeys G. seven chickens H. a purple hat

I. a cute baby J. some grapes


1. I have a yellow kite. 2. The chair is near the bed.

3. The rabbit is in front of the TV. 4. I have three books.

5. The girl is five. 6. These are four apples.

7. There are three people in the family.

8. My telephone number is 8102856.

9. The old man is happy.

10. There are three pigs in the picture.


1. These apples are Janet’s.

2. Hello, I’m Jiamin. I have five pigs.

3. Hi, my name is Ben. I have two yellow kites.

4. That old woman is Alice’s grandmother.

5. My English book is beside my pencil-box.


1. What colour is your pencil? 2. Let’s colour the eye blue.

3. Where is your toy ship? 4. Is the cat under the desk?

5. Happy Birthday! 6. How old are you?

7. May I have some apples? 8. Who’s the old man?

9. How many books are there in the bag?

10. Whose cats are these?


1. There are four people in Janet’s family.

2. Janet is beside her mother.

3. Janet’s grandfather is short.

4. Janet’s father is tall and thin.

5. Janet’s mother is young and pretty.





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标签: 暂无联系方式 三年级英语试卷
