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[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语试卷   阅读:9296




1.  food   for     2.  milk   meat     3.  pop   soup     4.  sixteen   six     5.  juice   rice

6.  fish   fruit    7. morning   evening   8.  drink   donut   9. tea   eat     10.  twenty   two



(     ) 1. A. I'm hungry!    B. I'm thirty

(     ) 2. A. Let's eat     B. Let's OK!

(     ) 3. A. go to bed   B. go to school

(     ) 4. A. toast and jam      B. I want to eat

(     ) 5. A. I'll take six, please?     B. How many bottles of milk?


(     ) Two yuan.

(     ) I'll take two, please.

(     ) How much are the apples?

(     ) You're welcome.

(     ) Thanks! My friend like apples a lot!



(     ) 1. A. breakfast     B. lunch     C. soup

(     ) 2. A. chicken     B. pepper     C. fish

(     ) 3. A. five     B. finger     C. leg

(     ) 4. A. book     B. tea     C. water

(     ) 5. A. vegetables     B. eleven     C. fourteen

(     ) 6. A. hungry     B. thirsty     C. fourteen

(     ) 7. A. orange     B. apple     C. egg

(     ) 8. A. rice     B. pop     C. milk

(     ) 9. A. milk     B. water     C. drink

(     ) 10. A. four     B. grape     C. melon


1、p a z i z               2、c e i r           3、s h i f           4、j i c e u          5、t o u n d

米饭                   鱼                   饮料             比萨               面包圈



(     ) 1. I'm hungry! I      eat.

A. want     B. want to     C. am

(     ) 2.       you like some noodles, Jenny? --- Yes, please.

A. Would     B. Should     C. Do

(     ) 3. I       like fish.

A. do     B. doesn't     C. don't

(     ) 4. I get up in      .

A. the morning     B. morning     C. the afternoon

(     ) 5.       your favourite food ?  --- My favourite food is fruit.

A. What     B. What's     C. Where's

(     ) 6.      for supper ?   ---Porridge and sandwich.

A. What's     B. What     C. Where

(     ) 7. --- Would you like some tea ?   ---

A. Yes, please.     B. Yes, I do     C. Yes, I like.

(     ) 8. I like sugar       porridge.

A. on     B. in     C. at

(     ) 9.       for one hoe dog ?    --- Five yuan.

A. How many     B. How long     C. How much

(     ) 10.Do you have any books ?   --- No,

A. I do     B. I didn't     C. I don't


(     ) 11. May I borrow your pen? ---      .

A. Sure     B. thank you     C. You're welcome.

(     ) 12. Let's       lunch.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 三年级英语试卷
