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[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  四年级英语试卷   阅读:9315



Class Name Mark



( )1、A. a new student B. a nice girl C. a new boy

( )2、A. at a party B. for the party C. go to the party

( )3、A. your job B. your name C. your friend

( )4、A. buying fruit B. over there C. very thin

( )5、A. climb trees B. listen to C. want to


( ) 1. A. Please don‘t climb trees

B. Please don’t climb the hill.

C. Please don‘t climb the wall.

( ) 2. A. What’s in Room ? There are some books.

B. What‘s in Room ? There are some boxes.

C. What’s in Room ? There are some desks.

( ) 3. A. How many dogs can you see in the picture?

B. How many students can you see in the picture?

C. How many trees can you see in the garden?

( ) 4. A. Do you like singing with your classmates?

B. I like singing with my classmates.

C. I don‘t like singing with my classmates.

( ) 5. A. Please come to my class at 5:50.

B. Please come to my class at 3:50.

C. Please come to my class at 6:50.


( )1、A. He’s Ben. B. She‘s Miss Li. C. He’s Mr Green.

( )2、A. I‘m a nurse. B. Yes, I am. C. Thank you.

( )3、A. My name is Jack. B. Her name is Nancy. C. His name is David.

( )4、A. It’s a bike. B. It‘s Liu Tao’s. C. It‘s on the chair.

( )5、A. He’s a cook B. He‘s 30. C. He’s in the car.

( )6、A. Yes, she is . B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, it is.

( )7、A. It‘s an apple. B. They’re orange. C. They‘re pears.

( )8、A. Here you are. B. Not at all. C. Some apples, please.

( )9、A. It’s in the tree. B. It‘s on the trees. C. It’s a cat.

( )10、A. I‘m a girl. B. I’m a nurse. C. I‘m 11.


( ) 1. Sandy is 12 years old.

( ) 2. Sandy’s father likes bread with milk.

( ) 3. Sandy likes eggs and sweets.

( ) 4. Sandy is good at singing.

( ) 5. Sandy is good at English.



( )1A teacher B nurse C boy D student

( )2 A he B I C she D they

( )3 A eighty B old C eleven D thirteen

( )4 A what B where C who D this

( )5 A clock B jacket C sock D dress


1一杯咖啡 2乘出租车

3想要 4去图书馆

5我的筷子 6come dome

7something to drink 8open day

9snack bar 10go to see the doctor


1、What are ______? They are pineapples.

A. this B. these C. it

2、Who‘s the woman ______ long hair?

A. with B. in C. of

3、_____ is her job?

A. What B. Which C. Who

4、They’re my uncles. They‘re _____.

A. pears B. boys C. workers

5、_____ climb table again.

A. Not B. Don’t C. Do


1、how , your , about , mother ?

2、free , you , now , now _________ ?

3、for , we , school , are , late__________ .

4、he , my , English , is , teacher____ __.

5、some , then , have , juice_______ ___.


A: Can ______ _______ you?

B: I‘d ______ oranges, please.

A: OK. _______ _______ kilos?

B: _______ _______ , please.

A: Three yuan, please.

B: Here you _______.

A: Thank you. Bye.

B: _______.


1、How old is your father? __________________________________.

2、What’s your father‘s job? ___________________________________.

3、Is your mother a policewoman? ________________________________.

4、Are you in a white jacket? __________________________________.

5、Which do you like, apples or bananas? ___________________________.


Miss Lin is a new teacher. She is thin. She likes lemons very much. She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong. They’re her students.

Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair. Mike is tall and thin. Lily likes oranges, Miss Lin likes oranges, too. And Wang Dong is a Chinese boy, he likes watermelons.

( )1、Miss Lin likes lemons.

( )2、Wang Dong is an English student.

( )3、Miss Lin is a new student. She is thin.

( )4、Wang Dong likes oranges, too.

5、Nancy is the girl with ________ ________ and _________ __________.

6、Mike is a ________ boy. He is thin.

7、Lily and Miss Lin like __________.



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