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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  四年级英语试卷   阅读:9940



Class Name No Mark

Part I Listening Test (40%)


( ) 1. a. driver b. dive c. draw

( ) 2. a. cold b. old c. fold

( ) 3. a. pear b. bear c. ear

( ) 4. a. waiter b. waitress c. brave

( ) 5. a. bed b. bread c. red


( ) 1. A. The lion is on the grass.

B. The dog is on the grass.

( ) 2. A. The bear likes the car.

B. The dog doesn‘t like the car.

( ) 3. A. She has a balloon.

B. He has a kite.

( ) 4. A. The ball is on the box.

B. The ball is in the box.

( ) 5. A. She is a nurse.

B. He is a dentist.


( ) 1. ---- are you? ----Fine, thanks.

a. How b. Who c. What

( ) 2. Supergirl can’t .

a. ride b. write c. fly

( ) 3. It‘s birthday. Happy birthday.

a. my b. your c. her

( ) 4. ----Do you like ?----Yes, I do.

a. lizards b. monkeys c. giraffes

( ) 5. ----Can you ?----No, I can’t.

a. How b. draw c. fold


( ) 1. a. Yes, it is. b. Yes, she is.

( ) 2. a. It‘s Ben’s. b. It‘s Ben.

( ) 3. a. I am. b. I have.

( ) 4. a. She’s a nurse. b. He‘s a policeman.

( ) 5. a. He likes oranges. b. He likes orange.[

五、判断“T or F”:10%

( ) 1. Sam is two years old.

( ) 2. The monkey is happy.

( ) 3. It’s a pear.

( ) 4. Sam likes grey.

( ) 5. Danny‘s skateboard is old.



Mark is years old. His father is a . mother is a . He has two friends, Ben and Eddie. Ben likes . Eddie cats. Look, Mark is and hungry. But hasn’t got and food. He is .

Part II Reading Test (60%)


playground telephone waitress

Is this your pen, Ben Yes, it is my pen.


hungry---- yes---- happy----

new---- long----


----What can you see in the mirror?

----I can see two (ear), two brown (eyes), a small red (mouth), two big (foot). But I can‘t see my (toe).


( ) 1. Look the tiger. It’s strong.

a. to b. at c. in

( ) 2. I‘m a new girl. You can call kally.

a. your b. my c. me

( ) 3. Bob two small eyes.

a. have b. has c. is

( ) 4. dog is what?

a. Whose b. Who c. Where

( ) 5. I like cats.

a. doesn’t b. not c. don‘t

( ) 6. The mouse is brave. teeth are shape.

a. He b. His c. She

( ) 7. You thirsty. I happy.

a. is...am b. are...am c. am...are[

( ) 8. The ladybird is the toilet.

a. at b. to c. in

( ) 9. ----What your father?----He’s a postman.

a. is b. has c. are

( )10. ---- Sam like your chair?

----No, he .

a. Do...does b.Does...doesn‘t c. Do...doesn’t


policemen firemen

1. Telephone 119, and come.

2. Telephone 110, and come.

I me my

1. name is Zhang Ling.

2. You can call John.

3. am nine years old.

have has

1. a new skateboard.

2. He a old ball.

am is are

1. I in the classroom.

2. We on the playground.

3. He in the toilet.

标签: 暂无联系方式 四年级英语试卷
