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[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  四年级英语同步练习   阅读:9332


一、 选择:

(  )1.Are you a setter ____ a world record?     A.for   B.of   C.to

(  )2.Is she jumping high or _____?    A.long   B.fast     C.low

(  )3.The ___ are watching TV.   A. man   B. boy    C.ladies

(  )4.__ you have medals?  Yes,I do.     A.Do   B.Are  C.Am

(  )5.We also have 7gold medals __ the match.  A.to   B.from   C. with

(  )6.Chinese women athletes are very good ___ weight lifting.

A.at  B.to   C. in

(  )7.__ sports are you good at?   A.What   B.Which   C.Who

(  )8.Yongxian is ___ up now.   A. catch     B. watch   catching

(  )9.What do you think of the film?______

A. It’s great.    B.Thank you.   C.See you.

(  )10.Sally ___like wearing school uniform.  A.don’t  B. doesn’t   C. isn’t

(  )11.Your part is very ____.     . A.much   B.sorry   C.important

(  )12.Can I ___ to the teacher?     A.say    B. talk     C. speak

(  )13.Does Xiaoling like watching TV?

A. Yes, she does.   B. No, she do.  C. Yes,I do.

(  )14.I’m sorry to ____ that.    A. hear     B. listen    C. go

(  )15.____ this?  It’s a cow.    A. Which   B. What’s    C. Who’s

(  )16.Put the bed ____ the wall.   A.in      B.on        C. against

(  )17.Are you doing housework ? Yes, I _____.  A. am   B.do    C. is

(  )18.___ father is working in his room.   A. I      B.My      C. He

(  )19. ___ is the map?  It’s on the desk.  A. Where   B.Which  C. What

(  )20.There’s a play _____ TV.   A. on    B. in    C. for

(  )21. Happy birthday! ______    A. Sure.    B. Thank you.    C. OK.

(  )22.Can the man dance?  Yes,he ____.   A. is    B. does    C. can

(  )23. What is she doing?  She _____ .  A. run  B.running  C. is running

(  )24.My father is ____ reading .   A. enjoys    B. enjoying    C.enjoy

(  )25.I _____ like ball games.     A. doesn’t    B. don’t     C.can’t

(  )26.Both Sam and Jill ____ good ___ singing . A. is,at  B. are,at  C. are.of

(  )27.Look,The old man ___in the sea. A. swim  B. swimmig  C. is swimming

(  )28.____ the boy like ____ music?

A. Does, listening to   B. Do, enjoying   C. Is,listen to

(  )29.My father usually ___ cards with his friends.

A. play   B. plays    C. playing

(  )30.What programmes ____ you like ?  A. are   B.is    C. do

(  )31. He ___like TV plays ___.

A.isn’t ,very much   B.doesn’t ,at all  C. is, a little

(  )32.I think films are ____. A. fun   B.slim    C. young

(  )33.What does your dad like to have for lunch ? ______

A. He likes bread.   B. She likes noodles.   C. She likes some beef.

(  )34.Would you like some coffee? _______

A. No,thanks.    B.Yes, some juice, please.  C. The bread is so nice.

(  )35.Can I have some chicken?_______

A. I’d like salad.  B. Go and buy some,please.  C. Of course, Here you are


(  )36.What programmes do you like?  _____

A. News.    B.Chocolate.      C. Ships.

(  )37.Is the man playing basketball?  ________

A.No, he doesn’t.  B.Yes,he can.    C. Yes,he is.

(  )38.Which sports are you good at ? _______

A.Cartoon.   B.Badminton.    C. Hamburger

(  )39.Can I have the ___ cabbage soup?  A. China   B. china   C.Chinese

(  )40.Can I help ___?     A. your   B. you   C. he

(  )41.I’d like a kilo of ____.    A potato   B. tomatoes   C. egg

(  )42.I don’t like peppers. I don’t like onions,__  A. too  B. to   C. either

(  )43.__ do they cost? They’re 3 dollars.

A. How much   B. How old    C. How many

(  )44.___ Dan like broccoli?   A. Do    B. Is     C. Does

(  )45.Do you like orange juice? ____

A. Yes, I am.  B. Yes, I do.  C. Here you are.

(  )46.What does dad like to have? ____.

A. He likes rive.  B. He doesn't like meat.   C. We need some chips.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 四年级英语同步练习
